Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Jul 30 08:21:40 CDT 2009

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Joe Allonby <joeallonby at> wrote:

> He was arrested when he came OUT of his home.

He was on his porch, private, not public property.  Thus "public
disturbance" does not apply.

>Cambridge and Brookline MA police are notorious for their thin
skins. [...] Is this perfect? No. Is it right? No.

Pigs are pigs, I say, no matter what color.  Their power always trumps,
unless caught on video and put on YouTube (I love this part of the modern

> Is this class rage? Sure.

Sure, with added race-card playing by Skippy.  I agree he's probably an
arrogant fuck.  But the cop still went with power over rights, and for that
I'm glad he had to back down.

> I'll bet he's a lousy tipper.

I bet he is too.  But he still has his rights.

Anyway, my rant (about abuse of power) is over too.

David Morris
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