Philip Roth: "Ist Pynchon paranoisch?"

Carvill, John john.carvill at
Thu Jul 30 08:35:23 CDT 2009

Thanks, Henry. Not sure this translated version tells me much more than
the original though :-)

What can we glean? Seems Roth has not much awareness of Pynchon's work?

<< Translation by Microsoft software:

TIME: You write very quickly. Thomas Pynchon writes to slowly because it
not may separate from its erdichteten characters.  

Roth: Are they same name in his books?  

TIME: No, just a few have same paranoia.  

Roth: Is Pynchon paranoisch?  

TIME: Should not. An a realist. And you? It seems to me that you have
written alternative car biographies in your books. Much like Harold
- he writes about traumatic childhood experiences in a Jewish home in
Vierzigern and 1950s in new versions.


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