Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers

Carvill, John john.carvill at
Thu Jul 30 09:06:12 CDT 2009

Yep, that what I sorta assumed, too obvious. But still. Anwyway, what a
tease to have that great freaky Franz cameo, then no assassination.
Could have been a great cinematic scene. Loved ATD, but the Sarajevo
section was a let-down.

-----Original Message-----
From: rich 

The grim facre which was the Feerdinand assassination is well worth
reading about. I still puzzle over why Pynchon excluded it from ATD.
too obvious, like no mention of JFK murder in Lot 49, a  book about
conspiracy? and in 1964-65, yikes
ah, our Pyncher is a subtle devil--what better way to foreground the
horror of the filth-filled trenches by having Kit almost drown in the
filth of gallons of mayonnaise? by example


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