Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Thu Jul 30 13:38:07 CDT 2009

a) I'm of the school that were I Mr Gates (or his young son Master Gates)
I would quietly and with a smile produce the ID and go about my
business, thankful that somebody is watching over my house which I
noticed in one of these articles had a BAD DOOR THAT WOULDN'T LOCK
RIGHT geez holy cow, thanks ossifer and I'm'a get that fixed.  Just
common sense.

that being said, cf the "I'm a cop" song in Vineland (and notice how
easily everybody sings along because we all want the Authoritay, don't
we now?)

"My God, I am fully in favor of a little leeway or the damnable jig is
up! " - Hapworth Glass

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