Carvill, John
john.carvill at sap.com
Fri Jul 31 03:03:58 CDT 2009
LeWitt is overrated. In fact,
he may be a candidate for the academy.
Mary and I have invented the Academy
of the Overrated for such notables as
- Gustav Mahler,
- Isak Dinesen and Carl Jung.
- Scott Fitzgerald.
- Lenny Bruce. Can't forget him, can we?
- How about Norman Mailer?
- I think those people are all terrific.
- Who was that guy you had?
- I didn't. It was yours. Heinrich Bol.
- Overrated?
- Don't wanna leave out Heinrich.
Gee, what about Mozart?
You guys don't wanna leave out Mozart. While you're trashing people.
- Well, how about Vincent Van Goch?
- She said "Van Goch"?!
- Or Ingmar Bergman?
- You'll get in trouble.
Bergman? Bergman's the only genius
in cinema today, I think.
He's a big Bergman fan.
God, you're so the opposite.
You write that fabulous television show.
It's so funny and
his view is so Scandinavian.
It's bleak, my God.
I mean, all that Kierkegaard, right?
Real adolescent, fashionable pessimism.
I mean, the silence. God's silence.
OK, OK, OK. I mean, I loved it when I was
at Radcliffe, but, all right, you outgrow it.
Get her away from me. I don't think
I can take too much more of her.
- She's really a cr...
- No. Don't you guys see?
It is the dignifying of one's
psychological and sexual hang-ups
by attaching them to these
grandiose, philosophical issues?
- Here we are.
- Listen, it was very nice meeting you.
It was a pleasure
and a sincere sensation,
but we have to go.
We gotta do some shopping. I forgot.
Hey, listen, I don't even
wanna have this conversation.
I'm just from Philadelphia, you know.
I mean, we believe in God so... OK?
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