CofL49 Company sing-along
Mark Kohut
markekohut at
Mon Jun 1 20:21:37 CDT 2009
p. 83 "To the tune of Cornell's alma mater"-----a bit of TRP self-criticism about his own role at Boeing? A--and, a first note in OBA's
later constant linking of the best universities with.....the military-industrial complex and, in ATd, with more...
Company Hymn----one must notice the word 'hymn"....TRP seeing YoYodyne as a new religion-like org.
Mr. Clayton "Bloody' Chiclets. Trademark: Candy you grew up with! Now BIG outside of America. Chiclets is in V., of course, where he ran a toy company. Now, in the grow and conglomerate way, the toys are Boeing creations. Adult "toys", so to savagely imply.
I actually remember a kid from my 'hood saying once "how'd you like a mouthful of bloody chiclets?" He was joking and must have got it from the older kids.
Clayton. Associations: Ton of Clay? Feet of Clay? Ton of Clay sorta mean huge bag of dirt?
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