(a little bit P, a little bit other writers, another attempt to interest anyone in The Caller)

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 12:20:08 CDT 2009

a) Both The Caller and CofL49 are brave variations on detective fiction.
Oedipa develops a sleuth-like eye in the confluence of the task Pierce
sets her with her own tendency to wander off distractedly;
in The Caller the detective plying his usual trade finds his
consciousness raised by his client's subversion of his task

 b) http://tinyurl.com/mr8sw5 a Barthelme brother has a new title out

c) exciting news for me, whom philosophy incites to narcolepsy:
apparently Julia Kristeva has written novels.

"My God, I am fully in favor of a little leeway or the damnable jig is
up! " - Seymour Glass

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