CoL49 (5) Anarchist Miracles

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Fri Jun 26 01:26:50 CDT 2009

Robin wrote:
- Is the formula here Capitalism & Schizophrenia?

I am just not familiar enough with D&G to say.  I was thinking more
about the religious comparison to anarchism.

I was trying to read A Thousand Plateaus a few months ago, had it out
on ILL (inter library loan)
and had to return it.  It did seem to have some insights I could bring
to bear on Pynchon's work or even cherish for their own sake,
but it is rather demanding and I kept running into the "straying
attention" wall, and sliding down it...
- Have been looking for better footholds on this rockface...

Basically, since I have no discipline - and why should I, this is
pleasure reading - I'm looking for stuff that's fun to read in which I
can get a feel for these ideas and the personalities...

Here are the steps I've taken since then

--I bought a copy of Guattari's Anti-Oedipus Papers, sort of a "1st
derivative" of the curve of the book - Guattari's thoughts and
reflections and some diarizing - got that used through Abebooks and
skimmed it with some pleasure and profit

-- Manuel Delanda.
Keith McMullen, during the AtD read known as AtdTDA, detected Delanda influence.
The glosses I've read of Delanda indicate he's got some pitons to
climb Deleuze with...
and perhaps he might be free of some unattractive Deleuzian qualities
like support for the PLO.
I've ordered something by him (I forget exactly what, for the nonce)
from Abebooks

- considering reading some Protevi as well...

--- A book called "The Structuralist Controversy" - I'm ordering that.
 Primary sources of early po-mo.  major classic I'm told

---- a writer named Plotnitsky, masters in math from Leningrad U,
professor of Lit at a US college - seems interesting - I'm getting his
big book; here is a review of it:

----- also waiting anxiously on _Byzantium_ by Julia Kristeva to
arrive in the mail.

----- and the works of V. Greenberg, who's quoted at the beginning of
the Sokal pseudo-article (
are beckoning
and I feel myself giving in...

of course, anything I haven't finished by August will have to wait for
awhile more...

"My God, I am fully in favor of a little leeway or the damnable jig is
up! " - Seymour Glass

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