"A screaming" - question to native speakers

Ian Livingston igrlivingston at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 04:27:25 CDT 2009

I have to choose option #3.  It seems to me to be as onomatopoetic as
it is anything else.  It is a particular screaming only after we read
on.  Its initial signified meaning is unknown, so it might be any
screaming, physical, metaphysical or hallucinatory.  That ambiguity is
a part of the greatness of it as an opening phrase.  The first thing
that happens to the reader is that he (and / or she) is cast out of
certainty like a progenitor from Paradise.

2009/6/29 János Székely <miksaapja at gmail.com>:
> I'm writing an essay on translating GR and I'm having doubts "after
> the fact": Would you read "a screaming" in the first sentence as
> - pronoun + countable noun, or as
> - a [kind of] screaming,
> or is it ambiguous?
> Thx
> János

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