Screaming and crying...

rich richard.romeo at
Tue Jun 30 13:11:36 CDT 2009

have a native Hebrew speaker say Shekinah (it has that shrill sound)

a sound you would expect from dwelling in the presence, so to speak
(oddly, a feminine presence--Greta Erdmann is a manifestation, yes?)

On 6/30/09, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> Robin shouted out:
> Okay German listers: is "schriee" scream or cry? 'Cause it sounds like "Who,
> if I screamed. . ." to me. Educate me.
> I could not wait for our German friends to get back on the,
> here's Babelfish:
> GR: " Ein Schreien stößt auf das Sky" zufällig;
> Rilke: Wer, wenn Ich schriee
> YES!............That compact allusive resonance from the opening line.....
> The man's a poet in the fullest-length poems since Milton---and
> beyond..................

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