review Ch 11 real estate vs. community

rich richard.romeo at
Tue Mar 3 09:46:41 CST 2009

> Yes, yes, yes about the significance of the draft and "they" seem to have
> learned from that one because there's never been the possibility of a draft
> since.  A draft would kill the current war.  Only if we are deliberately
> attacked big scale (not terrorist attack) will we be under a draft call
> again.
the military would rather have an all-volunteer force and I think one
shouldn't underestimate the support for the war in Afghanistan in the
US (no hawk myself,  I support our presence there but have
reservations about its execution--we can't over rely on air power and
could be wrong but my sense is that overall the morale of the troops
in afganistan is still fairly high

> Housing bubble?  Land grab - you bet.  But as I see it,  you can't have
> freedom unless you own/occupy the land

no doubt will be a major theme in IV--America is inherently or has
been one major land grab/scam after another.


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