Aldous Huxley on Dada predicts TRP, 1922

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Thu May 14 13:29:48 CDT 2009

The new synthesis that will reassemble in an artistic whole the shattered relics of the postwar world,
the synthesis that will reflect the disintegration in an artistic unity, will surely be a comic synthesis.
The social tragedy of these last few years had gone too far and its nature and origin is too profoundly
stupid to be represented tragically. And the same is true of the equally complicated and devastating
mental tragedy of the breakup of old tradition and values. The only possible synthesis is the enormous
farcical buffoonery of a Rabelais or an Aristophanes,----a buffoonery which, it is important to note, is capable of
being as beautiful and as grandiose as tragedy. 


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