IVIV (11) 177

Clément Lévy clemlevy at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 14:20:15 CDT 2009

- Excaliburs and Ferraris: other luxury cars. Excalibur is a retro  
car, made from 1963. See http://www.excaliburclassics.com/story.html
Seems that even Ronald Reagan had an Excalibur: http:// 

- in the first paragraph, the focus changes, from Doc's point of view  
to Japonica's: what she's hallucinating "just about to—" (unless we  
have here a case of joint hallucination, the pun is in IV, p. 117 but  
also in Doper's Greed, GR, p. 544, Viking 535).

- the comedy continues, with Japonica rushing across the streets when  
the traffic lights  are red, and Denis pretending not to know what  
red means in this context. Doc seems very patient.

- the comparison of the police car with a UFO reminds me the first  
scene in this part of Close Encounters of the 3rd kind: http:// 
But Spielberg did this movie in 1977.


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