Ig Nobels

rich richard.romeo at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 16:55:09 CDT 2009

 You boyz need to check in for a reality check up. Why anyone with half
> your brains would talk such utter nonsense about American Politics can
> only be explained by extreme delusions of grandeur, extreme naive
> idealism turned bitter cynicism. excuse us if we hoped things might be different

you can go tell the families of those murdered by global militancy,
much of it fostered by an out of control military industrial complex,
no my fault I won the fucking nobel prize for peace

obama still has to prove himself; hope is cool but its getting mighty
stale--who gets any prize for potential. i should get my six figure
salary--hey, I got potential
its what global markets are all about when they're not being
rigged--money is potential.

>  To make change the
> President must sell his ideas. He's a good salesman. He wraps up his
> ideas in hope and inspires people, especially the young and those of
> any age, citizens of any nation, who have not surrendered to cynicism.
hard not to be cynical dude--the bastards have fucked the system and
are getting rewarded still for continuing on--the US are major
shareholders (or warrants) of many of these companies--show some
balls, we own them now but u wouldn't know it so far w/ all of
erstwhile Goldman Sachs heads running the show. obama needs to feel
the anger in this country over that

> Not too bad. Much better than what we've suffered since JFK if not
> since FDR. That one would expect the President to dismantle the
> American Military Industrial Complex in his first term or in his
> second should he be fortunate enough to win one, is rediculous.
can't we at least try to cut military spending in half?

> Certainly, we should expect that the President answer his critics who
> have noticed that he has failed to deliver on several key campaign
> promises and has clearly shifted to the Right of the Right of Center
> position he ran on. This is not a shock. Anyone who knows even a
> little about politics in America expected this would happen. Pop the
> tires on the Presidential band wagon and what will you get? A
> Republican.
I think I'm fairly informed about things. I surely didn't vote for
Obama to be another Clinton.
he's already practically a Republican or at least acting like one.

Sure would be the best of all possible worlds if we didn't
> have a one party system that only serves up one meal seasoned for
> slightly different tastes, but that's what's on the table. The Nobel
> folks are lot smarter than the P-List gives them credit for. They've
> done something clever here.
don't really care but getting rewarded for just being a president who
isn't prez bush is ridiculous--its like a novelist winning the damn
prize after writing one book.
and it really paints him into a corner
and for yr info, reagan did more for nuclear disarmament

Obama still got time to grow a pair but I ain't seen it yet

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