Misc. p-list related

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 15 10:27:46 CDT 2010

Light is the secret determinant of history
DiscoverMag    20 things you didn't know about light. E.g., Inuits say auroras are spirits kicking a walrus' head http://bit.ly/9gOYFj 

"Apparent Pynchon character"
As many people do every day, we went to Oprah.com for some communication tips from marriage expert/apparent Pynchon character Dr. Harville Hendrix and put together this helpful guide for the embattled television host: How Oprah Can Recover from Kitty Kelley’s New Oprah Biography: the Oprah Way. 

nathanheller    The complete list of words DFW circled in his dictionary, for the rest of us tyros. http://bit.ly/aoM3ux 


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