alice wellintown
alicewellintown at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 20:51:58 CDT 2010
Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, I'm out of bed, but only 'cos i have to get ready to show up for
> something I actually have to show up @ tonight. But @ least the
> bleeding's stopped, so ...
Far in or Far out, but don't messs with the War far in, it is rat
poison and will let it bleed all over. As Woody allen sez, "80% of
success is showing up." And, at least @ night, if you avoid the spot
light, no one will notice the bed sores and bandaids.
Cool that the us got round to seeking the ghosts of the
transfiguration; weakens, a bit, my essay on why Obama should hand his
nobel over to Lula. Well, what ever happens, I hope Lula saves her
from stoning.
Everybody must get ....the lottery...
Take care, Dave.
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