August 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Aug 1 00:16:26 CDT 2010
Ending: Tue Aug 31 23:43:31 CDT 2010
Messages: 606
- Sorta P
Joe Allonby
- Conservapedia against Relativity
Joe Allonby
- here we go into scrooge mcducks inception dream. . .
Joe Allonby
- Who are "They?"
Joe Allonby
- Chronic City? Does it stay boring?
Joe Allonby
- selling books on-line
Joe Allonby
- Milo the virtual boy
Joe Allonby
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy / corrigenda
John Bailey
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy / corrigenda
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy / corrigenda
Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy / corrigenda
Michael Bailey
- Esther & Stencil
Michael Bailey
- (np) the ubu site has the James Joyce FW movie
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd C4 Allografts
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd C4 Allografts
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd C4 Allografts
Michael Bailey
- Time to pack up, go home
Michael Bailey
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
Michael Bailey
- (np) found this ...
Michael Bailey
- (np) scholarly paper on Lebowski
Michael Bailey
- (np) found this ...
Michael Bailey
- There's a fog Upon L.A....
Michael Bailey
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Michael Bailey
- (np) JP Donleavy interview
Michael Bailey
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Michael Bailey
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Michael Bailey
- V2-V girl watching as intro to nosejobs
Michael Bailey
- Frank Kermode, RIP
Michael Bailey
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd, C 5 "The Alligator was Pinto"
Michael Bailey
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
Michael Bailey
- (np) pdfs of Dada magazine
Michael Bailey
- (np) but possibly of interest, article on Ishmael Reed
Michael Bailey
- (np) Ishmael Reed interview
Michael Bailey
- Chronic City? Does it stay boring?
Michael Bailey
- V-Group Read - Schedule, catch-up time?
Michael Bailey
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Michael Bailey
- BDSL,1- "May have to bust noses"
Michael Bailey
- Chronic City??? final thoughts
Michael Bailey
- P defends V. ...
Michael Bailey
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Michael Bailey
- "C'mon, now, let's all sing"
Michael Bailey
- P defends V. ...
Michael Bailey
- Ever hear from Paul Mackin?
Michael Bailey
- P defends V. ...
Michael Bailey
- Tony Judt & Henry Adams: What have we learned, if anything?
Thomas Beshear
- Very thematic P--real life
Thomas Beshear
- The First Church of Robotics
Jude Bloom
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Carvill, John
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Carvill, John
- Never the Twain
Carvill, John
- Never the Twain
Carvill, John
- Time to pack up, go home
David Casseres
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Alex Colter
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
Monte Davis
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
Monte Davis
- Freud, Zizek, eros and thanatos
Richard Fiero
- The Role Of Irony In The Art And Life Of T.S. Monk And Henry Adams
Richard Fiero
- Who are "They?"
Richard Fiero
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Richard Fiero
- Chronic City??? final thoughts
Jeremy Forrest
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Phillip Grayson
- Vineland wiki spoilers
- First Edition GR for Sale
Christopher Kerr
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd--4: "the Jacobean etiology"
Mark Kohut
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd C4 She, Her World ...
Mark Kohut
- Esther & Stencil
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, very Kute, very serendipitous, Skolarship re Esther's Nose Job
Mark Kohut
- Sorta P
Mark Kohut
- AtD "it's always night or we wouldn't need light"
Mark Kohut
- Esther & Stencil
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd, Misc. man, machine, The Human Use of Human Beings--Weiner, a TRP fave.....
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd C4 Allografts
Mark Kohut
- Esther & Stencil
Mark Kohut
- Esther & Stencil
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, C4
Mark Kohut
- NP but Barthelme (with a TRP footnote or two)
Mark Kohut
- N plus 1 // Pynchon in Poland
Mark Kohut
- The preterite and The Protestant Ethic
Mark Kohut
- Speakin' of them ole stereotypical gender roles, feminism, undsoweiter
Mark Kohut
- Time to pack up, go home
Mark Kohut
- NP but a great early P understander, Tony the Tanner, on Shakescene
Mark Kohut
- Bigfoot / Piedone
Mark Kohut
- Fw: NP but a great early P understander, Tony the Tanner, on Shakescene
Mark Kohut
- N really P: A spectacular series of postcards showing an airship shot down during the First World War:
Mark Kohut
- NP but D De
Mark Kohut
- Not a screaming but crystal tresses
Mark Kohut
- Almost AtD: A spectacular series of postcards showing an airship shot down during the First World War:
Mark Kohut
- NP but Cormac McCarthy
Mark Kohut
- Airship sighted over Chicago, 1897, Ky paper
Mark Kohut
- maybe some TRP themes? from a quite interesting writer, I think, whom i discovered accidently, whose book I am going to read.
Mark Kohut
- First Edition GR for Sale
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter V, Part I
Mark Kohut
- IV: Coyly, he asks: Did this come up about Coy during our read?
Mark Kohut
- IV: Coyly, he asks: Did this come up about Coy during our read?
Mark Kohut
- NP Misc.. ON SHAKESPEARE. Re: IV: Coyly, he asks: Did this come up about Coy during our read?
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter V, Part I
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd Home and homelessness
Mark Kohut
- serendipitous bit of alligator history
Mark Kohut
- Byron the Bulb's progeny
Mark Kohut
- The Role Of Irony In The Art And Life Of T.S. Monk And Henry Adams
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd, C 5 "The Alligator was Pinto"
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd. Misc.
Mark Kohut
- Frank Kermode, RIP
Mark Kohut
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd, C 5 "The Alligator was Pinto"
Mark Kohut
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
Mark Kohut
- V. and Pynchon, Misc.
Mark Kohut
- P and mirrors & the 'elastic universal"
Mark Kohut
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
Mark Kohut
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
Mark Kohut
- Who are "They?"
Mark Kohut
- Who are "They?"
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd, Misc.; Shafting Bongo-Shaftesbury
Mark Kohut
- More Misc. Pynchon...the time before writing on white paper
Mark Kohut
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
Mark Kohut
- Very Misc. but P-related, C of L49 to be kutely exact
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd. Still happenin'
Mark Kohut
- NP, Misc. "'Across the sky"
Mark Kohut
- Heartsease in Against the Day
Mark Kohut
- V-Group Read - Schedule, catch-up time?
Mark Kohut
- Fw: NP 'that old third-person autobiography" tradition
Mark Kohut
- perhaps tangentially V. & TRP-related
Mark Kohut
- NP but N.O. BROWN, maybe?....more Shit, Money & The Word?
Mark Kohut
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
Mark Kohut
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
Mark Kohut
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
Mark Kohut
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Mark Kohut
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
Mark Kohut
- NP but occasional plist topic: Gaia
Mark Kohut
- TRP V.-relevant serendipitous find, maybe
Mark Kohut
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Mark Kohut
- NP but occasional plist topic: Gaia
Mark Kohut
- TRP V.-relevant serendipitous find, maybe
Mark Kohut
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Mark Kohut
- Fw: TRP V.-relevant serendipitous find, maybe
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Mark Kohut
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Mark Kohut
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Mark Kohut
- N quite P. yet quite. Ever wonder about Puritanism EXACTLY?
Mark Kohut
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Mark Kohut
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Mark Kohut
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Mark Kohut
- Misc. on Adams and TRP undsoweiter
Mark Kohut
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Mark Kohut
- NP at all, but Adams---and Not Henry
Mark Kohut
- V.--2nd tangential
Mark Kohut
- Very thematic P--real life
Mark Kohut
- P defends V. ...
Mark Kohut
- P defends V. ...
Mark Kohut
- maybe TRP and mirrors, VERY tangential, but since this is free-style as Augie March always sez and summer break.........
Mark Kohut
- P defends V. ...
Mark Kohut
- maybe more tangential P, just sayin' ,while break-reading
Mark Kohut
- P defends V. ...
Mark Kohut
- Chronic City??? final thoughts
Mark Kohut
- P defends V. ...
Mark Kohut
- P defends V. ...
Mark Kohut
- NP but Hawthorne
Mark Kohut
- P defends V. ...
Mark Kohut
- "C'mon, now, let's all sing"
Mark Kohut
- NP little science joke to lighten the tension and/or loss while we break dance
Mark Kohut
- For Joseph (from Group W Bench & the Romantics); why Alice closed the dump on Thanksgving and other Komspiracies from the Left
Mark Kohut
- P defends V.: more break-dancing (from an old man)
Mark Kohut
- Cognitive Science
Mark Kohut
- Fw: P defends V.: more break-dancing (from an unathletic old man)
Mark Kohut
- AtD : another reason TRP chose Vienna....
Mark Kohut
- Obama uses Pynchonesque-like phrase "Steel in the Ship of State"...
Mark Kohut
- I remember a momentarily quiet plister writing about Force as key theme in TRP....
Mark Kohut
- NP AT ALL...just a little drunken philosophy joke to waste break time
Mark Kohut
- FW: The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900 Call for Papers
Krafft, John M.
- Klaxons still reading, apparently
James Kyllo
Robin Landseadel
- V-2nd--4: "the Jacobean etiology"
Robin Landseadel
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Robin Landseadel
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Robin Landseadel
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Robin Landseadel
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Robin Landseadel
- Raymond Chandler hides in plain sught
Robin Landseadel
- Never the Twain
Robin Landseadel
- V-2: 3 Heresy, p 82
Robin Landseadel
- V-2: 4 Nose Job
Robin Landseadel
- V-2: 4 Nose Job
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Bad Ear—was Re: Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Robin Landseadel
- The Sincerest Form of Ridicule (Pynchon, Parody, and Chandler Again
Robin Landseadel
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Robin Landseadel
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Robin Landseadel
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- Ch 6 of V-2 Bad Ear or Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Robin Landseadel
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Robin Landseadel
- "C'mon, now, let's all sing"
Robin Landseadel
- For Joseph (from Group W Bench & the Romantics); why Alice closed the dump on Thanksgving and other Komspiracies from the Left
Robin Landseadel
- For Joseph (from Group W Bench & the Romantics); why Alice closed the dump on Thanksgving and other Komspiracies from the Left
Robin Landseadel
- For Joseph (from Group W Bench & the Romantics); why Alice closed the dump on Thanksgving and other Komspiracies from the Left
Robin Landseadel
- For Joseph (from Group W Bench & the Romantics); why Alice closed the dump on Thanksgving and other Komspiracies from the Left
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V.
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V.: more break-dancing (from an unathletic old man)
Robin Landseadel
- An Atrophied Sense of Charity
Robin Landseadel
- The secret history of psychedelic psychiatry
Robin Landseadel
- The secret history of psychedelic psychiatry
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- P defends V. ...
Robin Landseadel
- Text of COL49
Robin Landseadel
- Cognitive Science
Toby Levy
Ian Livingston
- V-2nd C4 Like the Racket Itself
Ian Livingston
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy
Ian Livingston
- V-2nd C4 Allografts
Ian Livingston
- V-2nd C4 She, Her World ...
Ian Livingston
- V-2nd C4 Allografts
Ian Livingston
- The preterite and The Protestant Ethic
Ian Livingston
- The preterite and The Protestant Ethic
Ian Livingston
- The preterite and The Protestant Ethic
Ian Livingston
- Time to pack up, go home
Ian Livingston
- NP but Cormac McCarthy
Ian Livingston
- NP but Cormac McCarthy
Ian Livingston
- 36 years ago today
Ian Livingston
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
Ian Livingston
- Freud, Zizek, eros and thanatos
Ian Livingston
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
Ian Livingston
- Time to pack up, go home
Ian Livingston
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
Ian Livingston
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
Ian Livingston
- Freud, Zizek, eros and thanatos
Ian Livingston
- Freud, Zizek, eros and thanatos
Ian Livingston
- Horus vs Set, the gator hunt
Ian Livingston
- Horus vs Set, the gator hunt
Ian Livingston
- P and mirrors & the 'elastic universal"
Ian Livingston
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
Ian Livingston
- Horus vs Set, the gator hunt
Ian Livingston
- Who are "They?"
Ian Livingston
- Very Misc. but P-related, C of L49 to be kutely exact
Ian Livingston
- V-2nd, Misc.; Shafting Bongo-Shaftesbury
Ian Livingston
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
Ian Livingston
- Quote of the Day
Ian Livingston
- NP, Misc. "'Across the sky"
Ian Livingston
- P defends V. ...
Ian Livingston
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Ian Livingston
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Ian Livingston
- Is This Tomorrow?
Clément Lévy
- Frank Kermode, RIP
Clément Lévy
- The Lublin IPW
Henry M
- Second Age of Airships
Henry M
- First Edition GR for Sale
Henry M
- The 1968 Project
Henry M
- You Say You Want a Revolution?
Henry M
- Translation of Candide?
Henry M
- The Role Of Irony In The Art And Life Of T.S. Monk And Henry Adams
Henry M
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
Henry M
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
Henry M
- Sewer Alligator, NYC
Henry M
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
Henry M
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
Henry M
- "50 Books Every Geek Should Read"
Henry M
- NP: Are You What You Say?
Henry M
- Text of COL49
Henry M
- First Edition GR for Sale
Robert Mahnke
- Is This Tomorrow?
Robert Mahnke
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
Robert Mahnke
- selling books on-line
Robert Mahnke
- selling books on-line
Robert Mahnke
- Text of COL49
Robert Mahnke
- Translation of Candide?
Johnny Marr
- Who are "They?"
Johnny Marr
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Patrick McGovern
- First Edition GR for Sale
Josiah Miller
- Chronic City? Does it stay boring?
Josiah Miller
- selling books on-line
Josiah Miller
- V-2nd C4 She, Her World ...
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4 Unsyncopated Tango
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4 The Art of Tagliacozzi
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4 Unsyncopated Tango
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4 Like the Racket Itself
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4 A Certain Feudal-Homosexual Element
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4 The Entire Rigmarole of Nineteenth-Century Gentlemen at War
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4 A Generation of Freaks and Pariahs
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4 Allografts
Dave Monroe
- 217 33rd St., Manhattan Beach
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd C4 Allografts
Dave Monroe
- Time to pack up, go home
Dave Monroe
Dave Monroe
Dave Monroe
- will be offline until further notice
Dave Monroe
- ThermoPoetics
Dave Monroe
- Frank Kermode, RIP
Dave Monroe
- Frank Kermode, RIP
Dave Monroe
- James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
Dave Monroe
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- Sewer Alligator, NYC
Dave Monroe
- The Literary Critic as Humanist
Dave Monroe
- test
Dave Monroe
- Thelonious Monk: Music and Myth
Dave Monroe
- here we go into scrooge mcducks inception dream. . .
Edward A Moore
- Awe and the Machine
David Morris
- V-2nd C4 Like the Racket Itself
David Morris
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy
David Morris
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy
David Morris
- V-2nd C4 Allografts
David Morris
- The preterite and The Protestant Ethic
David Morris
- The preterite and The Protestant Ethic
David Morris
- Time to pack up, go home
David Morris
- First Edition GR for Sale
David Morris
- Christian Right Lobbies To Overturn Second Law Of Thermodynamics
David Morris
- Conservapedia against Relativity
David Morris
- The Funky Yeti (AKA Bigfoot)
David Morris
- The First Church of Robotics
David Morris
- Freud, Zizek, eros and thanatos
David Morris
- decoding reality (vlatko vedral)
David Morris
- decoding reality (vlatko vedral)
David Morris
- Freud, Zizek, eros and thanatos
David Morris
- Klaxons still reading, apparently
David Morris
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
David Morris
- Mysterious Crate Arrives From London
David Morris
- Never the Twain
David Morris
- Gottfried?
David Morris
- Chronic City? Does it stay boring?
David Morris
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
David Morris
- NP - Protein that destroys HIV discovered
David Morris
- selling books on-line
David Morris
- GR: Bianca & Shirley Temple: They was askin' for it
David Morris
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
David Morris
- NP - Nabokov on different Lotita Covers
David Morris
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
David Morris
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
David Morris
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
David Morris
- The Post-Modern Ear
David Morris
- Graboids
David Morris
- The secret history of psychedelic psychiatry
David Morris
- The secret history of psychedelic psychiatry
David Morris
- The First Church of Robotics
- Best of Jonas Ueberohr - Popkritik 1966 bis 1988
- Time to pack up, go home
- Time to pack up, go home
- Freud, Zizek, eros and thanatos
- Conservapedia against Relativity
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
- Freud, Zizek, eros and thanatos
- Freud, Zizek, eros and thanatos
- Howl at the movies
- V-2nd, Misc.; Shafting Bongo-Shaftesbury
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
- V-2nd, Misc.; Shafting Bongo-Shaftesbury
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
- P defends V. ...
- P defends V. ...
- P defends V. ...
- P defends V. ...
- P defends V. ...
- test
- P defends V. ...
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy / corrigenda
David Payne
- Esther & Stencil
David Payne
- IV: Coyly, he asks: Did this come up about Coy during our read?
David Payne
- IV: Coyly, he asks: Did this come up about Coy during our read?
David Payne
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
David Payne
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
David Payne
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
David Payne
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
David Payne
- Who are "They?"
Natália Portinari
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Natália Portinari
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Natália Portinari
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Natália Portinari
- P defends V. ...
Natália Portinari
- P defends V. ...
Natália Portinari
- P defends V. ...
Natália Portinari
- Call for Papers. Revolutionary Leaves: The Fiction of Mark Z. Danielewski
Sascha Pöhlmann
- The Heath
Heikki Raudaskoski
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
Heikki Raudaskoski
- test
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Bigfoot / Piedone
Paolo Simonetti
- Tangentially P (GR, ATD): Mongolian Nazis
János Székely
- Bigfoot / Piedone
János Székely
- Bigfoot / Piedone
János Székely
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
Humberto Torofuerte
- V2-V, Part 1
Joseph Tracy
- V2-V, Part 1
Joseph Tracy
- No subject
Joseph Tracy
- No subject
Joseph Tracy
- V2-V girl watching as intro to nosejobs
Joseph Tracy
- Ch 5 V really
Joseph Tracy
- Horus vs Set, the gator hunt
Joseph Tracy
- V-2nd, C 5 "The Alligator was Pinto"
Joseph Tracy
- V CH5: Governor Roony Winsome
Joseph Tracy
- V-2nd, C 5 "The Alligator was Pinto"
Joseph Tracy
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
Joseph Tracy
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
Joseph Tracy
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
Joseph Tracy
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
Joseph Tracy
- Horus vs Set, the gator hunt
Joseph Tracy
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
Joseph Tracy
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
Joseph Tracy
- V-2nd. Still happenin'
Joseph Tracy
- NP, Misc. "'Across the sky"
Joseph Tracy
- Quote of the Day
Joseph Tracy
- Chronic City? Does it stay boring?
Joseph Tracy
- Chronic City? Does it stay boring?
Joseph Tracy
- Fwd: Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Joseph Tracy
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
Joseph Tracy
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
Joseph Tracy
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
Joseph Tracy
- P defends V. ...
Joseph Tracy
- Chronic City??? final thoughts
Joseph Tracy
- Chronic City??? final thoughts
Joseph Tracy
- P defends V
Joseph Tracy
- P defends V.
Joseph Tracy
- P defends V. ...
Joseph Tracy
- Hmmm
Joseph Tracy
- P defends V.
Joseph Tracy
- For Joseph (from Group W Bench & the Romantics); why Alice closed the dump on Thanksgving and other Komspiracies from the Left
Joseph Tracy
- V-Group Read - Schedule, catch-up time?
Emma Wrigley
- selling books on-line
Emma Wrigley
- There's a fog Upon L.A....
bandwraith at
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
bandwraith at
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
bandwraith at
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
bandwraith at
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
bandwraith at
- BDSL, 1- DiVineland
bandwraith at
- Evil and Fenway, Crocker
bandwraith at
- BDSL,1- "May have to bust noses"
bandwraith at
- u will not believe this is true. . . .
edmoorester at
- pattern discernment under stress
edmoorester at
- V-2nd C4 The Eternal Drama of Love and Death
michael.lee.bailey at
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
mfarcas at
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
mfarcas at
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
mfarcas at
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
mfarcas at
- Time to pack up, go home
kelber at
- V-2nd - Chapter V, Part I
kelber at
- V-2nd - Chapter V, Part I
kelber at
- V-2nd - Chapter V, Part I
kelber at
- V2-V, Part 1
kelber at
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
kelber at
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
kelber at
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
kelber at
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
kelber at
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
kelber at
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
kelber at
- V-Group Read - Schedule, catch-up time?
kelber at
- V-Group Read - Schedule, catch-up time?
kelber at
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
kelber at
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
kelber at
- P defends V. ...
kelber at
- P defends V. ...
kelber at
- P defends V. ...
kelber at
- Vineland wiki spoilers
- N plus 1 // Pynchon in Poland
- Bigfoot / Piedone
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
- V-2: 4 Nose Job
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
alice wellintown
alice wellintown
alice wellintown
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy / corrigenda
alice wellintown
- Esther & Stencil
alice wellintown
- Esther & Stencil
alice wellintown
- Esther & Stencil
alice wellintown
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy
alice wellintown
- V-2nd C4 Like the Racket Itself
alice wellintown
- V-2nd C4 Like the Racket Itself
alice wellintown
- V-2nd C4 The Search for Bridey Murphy
alice wellintown
- Tangentially P (GR, ATD): Mongolian Nazis
alice wellintown
- Esther & Stencil
alice wellintown
- Esther & Stencil
alice wellintown
- Esther & Stencil
alice wellintown
- Time to pack up, go home
alice wellintown
alice wellintown
- Fw: NP but a great early P understander, Tony the Tanner, on Shakescene
alice wellintown
- Tony Judt & Henry Adams: What have we learned, if anything?
alice wellintown
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
alice wellintown
- why do novelists hate being interviewed?
alice wellintown
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
alice wellintown
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
alice wellintown
- V-2nd - Chapter V, Part I
alice wellintown
- decoding reality (vlatko vedral)
alice wellintown
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
alice wellintown
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
alice wellintown
- Why the marching band refused to yield
alice wellintown
- V-2nd - Chapter V, Part I
alice wellintown
- V2-V, Part 1
alice wellintown
- Beauvoir & V. in a C/c atholic Man's World
alice wellintown
- V2-V, Part 1
alice wellintown
- V2-V girl watching as intro to nosejobs
alice wellintown
- V-2nd Home and homelessness
alice wellintown
- The Role Of Irony In The Art And Life Of T.S. Monk And Henry Adams
alice wellintown
- Daisy & Myrtle: American Women and the machine
alice wellintown
- The Role Of Irony In The Art And Life Of T.S. Monk And Henry Adams
alice wellintown
- EOI #2635 An Electro-Mechanical Romance is Still on the Line...
alice wellintown
- Horus vs Set, the gator hunt
alice wellintown
- ThermoPoetics
alice wellintown
- V-2nd, C 5 "The Alligator was Pinto"
alice wellintown
- Orwell & "the grmophone mind"
alice wellintown
- V-2nd, C 5 "The Alligator was Pinto"
alice wellintown
- V CH5: Governor Roony Winsome
alice wellintown
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
alice wellintown
- V2-V girl watching as intro to nosejobs
alice wellintown
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
alice wellintown
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
alice wellintown
- BDSL,1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
alice wellintown
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
alice wellintown
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
alice wellintown
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
alice wellintown
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
alice wellintown
- V-2nd, C 5 "The Alligator was Pinto"
alice wellintown
- V-2: Re: BDSL, 1- Genetic Therapy for Inherent Vice
alice wellintown
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
alice wellintown
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
alice wellintown
- V ch. 5 part 2 Imaginary Alligators, Real buckshot
alice wellintown
- Who are "They?"
alice wellintown
- Horus vs Set, the gator hunt
alice wellintown
- Horus vs Set, the gator hunt
alice wellintown
- V-2nd Dopplegangers
alice wellintown
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
alice wellintown
- Never the Twain
alice wellintown
- Quote of the Day
alice wellintown
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
- V-Group Read - Schedule, catch-up time?
alice wellintown
- Note of the play (wuz "Pig's Suite")
alice wellintown
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
alice wellintown
- Re: James Bond was a neo-fascist gangster, says John Le Carré
alice wellintown
- Why V. & The Education are for the 20-something crew
alice wellintown
- No. 2638 Artificial Gravity
alice wellintown
- Milo the virtual boy
alice wellintown
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
alice wellintown
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
alice wellintown
- rules governing romantic fiction (Cooper & Twain...and Pynchon too?)
alice wellintown
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
- The Sincerest Form of Ridicule (Pynchon, Parody, and Chandler Again
alice wellintown
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
- Ch 6 of V-2 Eeeeeeraaaaah, wutsupdoc?
alice wellintown
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
alice wellintown
- Someone who hates Pynchon (because of his 'corrupted pride') and we fans.
alice wellintown
- Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- More Misc. V-2nd. The profaning of The Street
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
- For Joseph (from Group W Bench & the Romantics); why Alice closed the dump on Thanksgving and other Komspiracies from the Left
alice wellintown
- P defends V. ...
alice wellintown
Last message date:
Tue Aug 31 23:43:31 CDT 2010
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:00:30 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).