V-Group Read - Schedule, catch-up time?

kelber at mindspring.com kelber at mindspring.com
Sun Aug 22 10:59:41 CDT 2010

Here's how the next leg of the read currently stands:

8/23- 9/5 - Chap. 6 – (2 weeks)

9/6 - 9/26 - Chap. 7 - (3 weeks)

9/27 - 10/10 - Chap. 8 - Mike Bailey

Chapter 7 is long and involved, so I'd allowed three weeks for it.  But since next two weeks are the final weeks of summer, and we have no hosts for 6 or 7 anyway, I'm thinking we should take a break next week, allowing people who've fallen behind, due to summer vacations, etc., to catch up.

The new schedule:

8/23-9/5 - break, catch-up time

9/5 - 9/12 - Chap. 6 -(1 week)
9/13 - 9/26 - Chapter 7 (2 weeks)
9/27 - 10/10 - Chapter 8 - (two weeks) - Mike Bailey

Counter-proposals?  Keep the schedule as it currently is?  If anyone wants to step up to host Chapter 6 or 7, their wishes carry the day.  If no one speaks up before the start of 8/23 (NYC time), revised sked becomes official.


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