Meet the New Boss (Pynchon's THEY or The Firm is Dead)

rich richard.romeo at
Wed Aug 25 09:20:33 CDT 2010

I think one can fairly say it won't matter who They become (and let's
face it alice, They are always becoming, They are never They for when
you pin down and say there They are, they are no longer They)
They no longer interest me. Oil does


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 11:07 AM, alice wellintown
<alicewellintown at> wrote:
> After reading Henry Adams, young P penned his first novel, V.. The
> coal power and gun power and the forces invisible that had replaced
> the Virgin's power, though not her Unity, inform V. and GR. But the
> Firm has fallen. As Murphey's Law, more apt than the Law of
> Deminishing return or the Law of Yaw (that which prevented the father
> of America's "space program from putting Churchill and the Queen of
> the Moo--the death kingdom), teaches, and as GR often preaches, THEY
> can not be defeated by a counter-force or a sick crew or a fumbling
> foursome of super crooks guided by the historical or parodic rock man,
> Juthro Tull, but must fall from an inertia that only GOD, not Newton
> with his pair of Blake's deviders or Nobodaddy with his compass, can
> Fathom.

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