The American People

rich richard.romeo at
Sun Jan 10 13:36:57 CST 2010

well, one hopes Larry Kramer finishes his epic

At the moment, The American People towers high on a desk that has
overtaken his book-lined living room. From a simple insight, it has
grown to some 4,000 pages. “Ronald Reagan kept making speeches about
‘the American people,’ ” he says, “and it totally pissed me off
because his American people didn’t include me or us. So that’s the
name of the book, but it’s the gay American people.”

Kramer is stingy with details, perhaps because the book beggars
description: a screed that swallowed a history, or vice versa; the
combination further swallowing parts of Kramer’s oeuvre (Faggots and
The Normal Heart are embedded in their entirety); the whole thing
framed as a tale, complete with villains, heroes, and something like a
plot. Whatever it is (he grudgingly calls it a novel, for legal
reasons), he believes it to be an entirely true work. Certainly it’s
epic. From primordial Florida swamps to the homophilic colony at
Jamestown to Lincoln’s male love and the “holocaust” of AIDS, he
reframes the country as a gay creation, culminating with the advent of
modern antiviral drugs: “the single greatest achievement that gay
people have accomplished in history.”

Read more: How Larry Kramer's Boundless Outrage Has Changed the Course
of AIDS -- New York Magazine

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