not sure how much more a lefty can take

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Tue Jan 26 15:48:01 CST 2010

I am still vice chair of my local dem party org, supported Obama and  
telegraphed my concerns as he hired skunks and ignored his promises  
about Gitmo, ignored the suspension of Habeus, extended our  
occupation of Iraq and endorsed the patriot act.  When I found  
nothing but shit in my Christmas stocking I decided he wasn't going  
to be my kind of big daddy. The party system is a useful fiction that  
let's off steam, both funded by the same corporate interests.

Better than Palin is not my standard of leadership; if that is good  
enough for people that is what they will get.  Right now it is the  
Democrats who are inviting the reascension of the fascists by  
endorsing corruption and corporate rape instead of using the dramatic  
failures of corporate capitalism to make serious changes.

On Jan 26, 2010, at 9:48 AM, Henry M wrote:

> If lefties had been supporting Obama and the Dems all along, they
> might have had the political capital, if not the monetary capital, to
> do more of the right things.  But between crazies on the right and
> lefties who wanted the world and they wanted it now, so they never
> showed any support for the middle, there isn't much middle left.
> Nader must be happy!
> A spending freeze is more likely get all of the Republican votes that
> it needs when added to the Dems who will be divided on it to pass
> easily.
> And yes, anything is better than McPalin.
> AsB4,
> Henry Mu
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Michael Bailey wrote:
>> I strongly suspect that if Hilary had won the primary,
>> we'd be looking at President McCain...
>> anyway, for Obama to call for a spending freeze means that,
>> well, that initiative will probably be acted on with the same  
>> alacrity that
>> health care reform and the closing of the Guantanamo facility has,  
>> right?

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