not sure how much more a lefty can take

Henry M scuffling at
Tue Jan 26 15:54:12 CST 2010

Whadya suggest?  Jump out of the frying-pan and take it to the
right-wing limit for what would be a 20 year ride in the fire in hopes
that a revolution would still be possible after totalitarianism
becomes accepted?


Henry Mu

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:
> I am still vice chair of my local dem party org, supported Obama and
> telegraphed my concerns as he hired skunks and ignored his promises about
> Gitmo, ignored the suspension of Habeus, extended our occupation of Iraq and
> endorsed the patriot act.  When I found nothing but shit in my Christmas
> stocking I decided he wasn't going to be my kind of big daddy. The party
> system is a useful fiction that let's off steam, both funded by the same
> corporate interests.
> Better than Palin is not my standard of leadership; if that is good enough
> for people that is what they will get.  Right now it is the Democrats who
> are inviting the reascension of the fascists by endorsing corruption and
> corporate rape instead of using the dramatic failures of corporate
> capitalism to make serious changes.
> On Jan 26, 2010, at 9:48 AM, Henry M wrote:
>> If lefties had been supporting Obama and the Dems all along, they
>> might have had the political capital, if not the monetary capital, to
>> do more of the right things.  But between crazies on the right and
>> lefties who wanted the world and they wanted it now, so they never
>> showed any support for the middle, there isn't much middle left.
>> Nader must be happy!
>> A spending freeze is more likely get all of the Republican votes that
>> it needs when added to the Dems who will be divided on it to pass
>> easily.
>> And yes, anything is better than McPalin.
>> AsB4,
>> Henry Mu
>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Michael Bailey wrote:
>>> I strongly suspect that if Hilary had won the primary,
>>> we'd be looking at President McCain...
>>> anyway, for Obama to call for a spending freeze means that,
>>> well, that initiative will probably be acted on with the same alacrity
>>> that
>>> health care reform and the closing of the Guantanamo facility has, right?

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