A little P..more on charisma

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 7 08:00:38 CST 2010

Again, remember in GR, when TRP speaks of charisma post-war, growing?

Again, Gould's book: Bolshevism in Russia, Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany and Maoism in China were all textbook charimatic movememnts.....

"Yet these cataclysmic manifestations of Weber's theory also served to narrow his concept of charisma by branding it as an inherently demagogic phenomenon---[it is "hated" in GR]---"

"Not until the 1950s--[that post-war period TRP wrote of!], when Weber's writings.. became widely disseminated ...did the broader applications of he theory begin to be recognized--on the eve, that is, of a decade in which charismatic challenges to institutional authority would be played out in virtually every theater of Politics, culture, and society." 


--- On Sat, 3/6/10, Mark Kohut <markekohut at yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Mark Kohut <markekohut at yahoo.com>
> Subject: A little P
> To: "pynchon -l" <pynchon-l at waste.org>
> Date: Saturday, March 6, 2010, 7:21 PM
> Remember P on Charisma in Gravity's
> Rainbow?..grounded in Weber, at least.
> From a book called Can't Buy Me Love by one Jonathan Gould,
> subtitled The Beatles, Britain and America, the ambitious
> Mr. Gould trying to do the deepest social, cultural and
> music history sez this:
> "In March 1961, Vogue magazine's venerable guide to the
> latest trends, "People Are Talking About" included a brief
> and mangled reference to 'the overdeveloped and curious use
> by literary critics of the word charism [sic] which means
> special divine of spirtual gift'. Within a few
> years the term charisma would emerge as a cliche of first
> resort, an all-purpose synonym for "presence' 'aura" or
> "magnetism"...


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