Greek translation of GR?

Seb Thirlway supa_kart_hooter at
Tue May 11 07:18:40 CDT 2010

Hi David

Your name seems familiar, from an epic GRGR I took part in back in..... was it 2001?  Haven't been on the p-list for ages...

Slight misunderstanding which made me chuckle - the book is for a Greek friend with excellent English, but possibly not up to reading GR.  I'm glad my English reads like a native speaker! ;)

all the best


--- On Tue, 11/5/10, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:

From: David Morris <fqmorris at>
Subject: Re: Greek translation of GR?
To: "Seb Thirlway" <supa_kart_hooter at>
Cc: "Costas Stergiou" <gorgonos at>, pynchon-l at
Date: Tuesday, 11 May, 2010, 8:03

If your  English competency is indicated by your posts here, I'd think you'll be up to reading GR in English.  It HAS to be better than the translation.

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Seb Thirlway <supa_kart_hooter at> wrote:
>But if in your opinion the Greek version is still a mind-boggling read for a native Greek speaker who may not be up to reading the English one (i.e. isn't comparing the Greek to knowledge of the English), I'll probably go with the Greek.

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