V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...

alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 04:02:31 CST 2010

Pynchon's awkward and anxious use of Denis De Rougemont's famous study
exposes Younger-Pynchon's interest in Family & Marriage. Today, it
seems odd that such a young writer would be so interested in,
well....we might consider how he reads a bit like Francis Fukuyama at
times...in Love in the Western World, but it was a time when marriage
and family were about to shift and change in radical ways, and love
and passion, the heretical history of the two, were an
intellectualized head for young Pynchon. The two childless marriages
here, Pap & Paola and Winsome and Mafia are, along with the abortion
party, manifestations of a technology-cult. The old symbols are
broekn, the old myths are reduces to puzzles, the new woman, not
Paola, not a child, a whore, a daughter who longs for her sick father,
is a dymano; she is not, however, a virgin, chaste, or even sterile,
for in the West, the the Love of Death is a Passion greater than
>>  alice wellintown wrote:
>>> (beer, booze and **LWW intoxication**
> Ah. Oh.  Love in the Western World.

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