November 2010 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Nov 1 08:49:53 CDT 2010
Ending: Tue Nov 30 21:06:23 CST 2010
Messages: 521
- V-2 - Chapter 9 - The Last Gods on Earth
Robin Landseadel
- V-2 - Chapter 9 - fin
Robin Landseadel
- NP but more free and legal digital.........
Mark Kohut
- V-2 - Chapter 9 - fin
kelber at
- Amish Hackers
Dave Monroe
- V-2 - Chapter 9 - fin
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: typos
kelber at
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: typos
Robin Landseadel
- Bewilderment
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: typos
Albert Rolls
- NP: iTunes U Introduces Free eBooks: Download Shakespeare’s Complete Works | Open Culture -
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chap 10, first page all editions
Mark Kohut
- (np) Barack Obama website hacked
Michael Bailey
- V-2 - Chapter 9 - fin
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: typos
Michael Bailey
- NP: David Thomson Interview
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - Chapter 9 - two typos and another diminutive
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - Chapter 9 - two typos and another diminutive
Albert Rolls
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- V2nd - Chapter 9 - two typos and another diminutive
Mark Kohut
- P Misc. Siege
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chap 9..thoughts requested
Michael Bailey
- Kurt's LinkedIn
- The case is all that the Boone of the hero my zero said it is and more or less nothing mucho mass than rusty sppon kant
alice wellintown
- Quote of the Day
alice wellintown
- Kurt's LinkedIn
Clément Lévy
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
kelber at
- Photo
Sascha Wildner
- Photo
Albert Rolls
- Photo
Ian Livingston
- Photo
Sascha Wildner
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
alice wellintown
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Robin Landseadel
- Proposition 19 Losing
Richard Ryan
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
Dave Monroe
- Proposition 19 Losing
David Morris
- Proposition 19 Losing
Robin Landseadel
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
kelber at
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
Robin Landseadel
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
Dave Monroe
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
Dave Monroe
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
Henry M
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
kelber at
- Proposition 19 Losing
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
Michael Bailey
- WI vs. NY
Dave Monroe
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
Robin Landseadel
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: Moulage
kelber at
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: Moulage
kelber at
- The Automata / Automaton Blog
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
alice wellintown
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Robin Landseadel
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Michael Bailey
- Pynchon in the House?
Henry M
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
kelber at
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Aditya Dubey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Michael Bailey
- Nadar returns MobyLives It turns out Nadar has been working on his own blog called “The Thomas Trail - Thomas Pynchon: Every Contact Leaves Traces” that describes his research into ...
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
kelber at
- Fascinating Fascism
- Fascinating Fascism
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
alice wellintown
- ... and the winners (and/or losers) are ...
Joe Allonby
- NP but Roky Erickson
Mark Kohut
- Proposition 19 Losing
Joe Allonby
- Proposition 19 Losing
Robin Landseadel
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
John Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
Mark Kohut
- NP but Roky Erickson
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
alice wellintown
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
Mark Kohut
- Fascinating Fascism
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
Albert Rolls
- Fascinating Fascism
Michael Bailey
- Mapping Thomas Pynchon
Henry M
- Fascinating Fascism
Mark Kohut
- Proposition 19 Losing
David Morris
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
David Morris
- Fascinating Fascism
- Fascinating Fascism
Mark Kohut
- Fascinating Fascism
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
Albert Rolls
- Fascinating Fascism
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: Partridge in a Pear tree
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
Richard Ryan
- V--2nd, Existentialist Sheriff; Profane reading, Pig Bodine recommended, p. 302 HP Classics edition
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part II: What is Man?
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Existentialist Sheriff; Profane reading, Pig Bodine recommended, p. 302 HP Classics edition
alice wellintown
- V--2nd, Existentialist Sheriff; Profane reading, Pig Bodine recommended, p. 302 HP Classics edition
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Existentialist Sheriff; Profane reading, Pig Bodine recommended, p. 302 HP Classics edition
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Fascinating Fascism
- NP - PSA
Charles Albert
- NP - PSA
Robin Landseadel
- NP - PSA - marching morons
Charles Albert
- NP - PSA - marching morons
Robin Landseadel
- Footnotes in the Future--Swift, Lull, Borges and the End of Writing
Dave Monroe
- The Visual Memory of Grammar
Dave Monroe
- In Defense of the Memory Theater
Dave Monroe
- NP - PSA - marching morons
Charles Albert
- Ptak Science Books
Dave Monroe
- Daylight Saving Time 2010: Why and When It Ends
Dave Monroe
- NP - PSA - marching morons
Joe Allonby
- V--2nd, Existentialist Sheriff; Profane reading, Pig Bodine recommended, p. 302 HP Classics edition
Michael Bailey
- V--2nd, Existentialist Sheriff; Profane reading, Pig Bodine recommended, p. 302 HP Classics edition
Michael Bailey
- V--2nd, Existentialist Sheriff; Profane reading, Pig Bodine recommended, p. 302 HP Classics edition
alice wellintown
- How the Voice changed journalism, Menand
alice wellintown
- Misc. Pynchon learns from Keith Richards' LIFE, not literally meant.
Mark Kohut
- (np) why is it that...
Michael Bailey
- V-2 - Chapters 9/10 - Sferic Music, part two
Robin Landseadel
- (np) why is it that...
alice wellintown
- V-2 - Chapters 9/10 - Sferic Music, part two
alice wellintown
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part III: 20 days before the Dog Star ...
kelber at
- NP Gorleben
- V-2 - Chapters 9/10 - Sferic Music, part two
Robin Landseadel
- V-2 - Chapters 9/10 - Sferic Music, part two
Mark Kohut
- V-2 - Chapters 9/10 - Sferic Music, part two
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part III: 20 days before the Dog Star ...
alice wellintown
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
Michael Bailey
- Atdtda32: Kept crumpet, 900
Paul Nightingale
- The Phantom Ride
Carvill John
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
alice wellintown
- NP but Dylan
Mark Kohut
- NP but Dylan
Michael Bailey
- NP but Dylan
Robin Landseadel
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
Mark Kohut
- The Phantom Ride
alice wellintown
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
alice wellintown
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
alice wellintown
- Houellebecq wins top French book prize
Dave Monroe
- (np) the Salman Rushdie of cricket?
Michael Bailey
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
Joe Allonby
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
David Morris
- The Phantom Ride
Joe Allonby
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
Joe Allonby
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
Robin Landseadel
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
kelber at
- NP New Aerial Footage of the aftermath of WWI
Alex Colter
- NP New Aerial Footage of the aftermath of WWI
Thomas Beshear
- NP New Aerial Footage of the aftermath of WWI
Henry M
- Amexica
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
Joe Allonby
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
Robin Landseadel
- Pentagon: Not our screaming came across the sky
Mark Woollams
- NP but Dylan
Michael Bailey
- Pentagon: Not our screaming came across the sky
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
Michael Bailey
- NP but Dylan
Michael Bailey
- NP but Dylan
Robin Landseadel
Dave Monroe
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
alice wellintown
- NP but Dylan
Michael Bailey
- Pentagon: Not our screaming came across the sky
Mark Kohut
- One of these things is not like the other one
Robin Landseadel
- One of these things is not like the other one
- American Psychosis
Robin Landseadel
- American Psychosis
Michael Bailey
- One of these things is not like the other one
Michael Bailey
- One of these things is not like the other one
alice wellintown
- One of these things is not like the other one
- One of these things is not like the other one
Michael Bailey
- [np] Young Translators' Prices
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- [np] Young Translators' Prices
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- One of these things is not like the other one
Robert Mahnke
- American Psychosis
Ian Livingston
- V2nd - Chapter 10 Slab, why won't he sleep with Esther
Michael Bailey
- Amexica
Ian Livingston
- One of these things is not like the other one
Ian Livingston
- Ley Lines Forum w/ Julian Cope
David Morris
- Ley Lines Forum w/ Julian Cope
- "The Man in the High Castle" and its impact on Pynchon's work
Joe Allonby
- One of these things is not like the other one
Joe Allonby
- V2nd - Chapter 10 Slab, why won't he sleep with Esther
kelber at
- One of these things is not like the other one
Robin Landseadel
- One of these things is not like the other one
kelber at
- Turning Esther a whiter shade of plastic pail as we through the ceiling blue
alice wellintown
- One of these things is not like the other one
David Morris
- Turning Esther a whiter shade of plastic pail as we through the ceiling blue
David Meyer
- One of these things is not like the other one
Joe Allonby
- Turning Esther a whiter shade of plastic pail as we through the ceiling blue
Richard Ryan
- One of these things is not like the other one
David Morris
- One of these things is not like the other one
alice wellintown
- One of these things is not like the other one
Michael Bailey
- One of these things is not like the other one
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10 drove the little Triumph to the party...
Mark Kohut
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: FLIP FLOP
kelber at
- V-2nd - Chapter 10, Part III: 20 days before the Dog Star ...
Mark Kohut
- One of these things is not like the other one
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- One of these things is not like the other one
- One of these things is not like the other one
David Morris
- One of these things is not like the other one
Robin Landseadel
- One of these things is not like the other one
Michael Bailey
- Fascinating Fascism
Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - Chapter 9 - something I missed before...
Michael Bailey
Joe Allonby
- V2nd - Chapter 9 - a bit of investigative legwork / Barkhausen, sferics and the Duse
Michael Bailey
- Fascinating Fascism
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - Chapter 9 - that farking icehole D'Annunzio
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - Chapter 9 - a bit of investigative legwork / Barkhausen, sferics and the Duse
Mark Kohut
- One of these things is not like the other one
Ian Livingston
- V2nd - Chapter 9 - that farking icehole D'Annunzio
Mark Kohut
- The House I Live In (1945)
Dave Monroe
- One of these things is not like the other one
David Payne
- Greil Marcus on Inherent Vice, and other Book Recommendations
Henry M
- 6 book recommendations from Greil Marcus
Dave Monroe
- New Age Imperialism
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- New Age Imperialism
Robin Landseadel
- New Age Imperialism
Mark Kohut
- New Age Imperialism
Ian Livingston
- Q - Smilin Steve (IV)
János Székely
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: FLIP FLOP
Mark Kohut
- Chap 10, misc.
Mark Kohut
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: FLIP FLOP
Michael Bailey
- Chap 10, Misc.
Mark Kohut
- Q - Smilin Steve (IV)
Michael Bailey
- Chap 10, Misc.
Michael Bailey
- Chap 10, Misc.
Michael Bailey
- V-2nd - Chapter 10: FLIP FLOP
alice wellintown
- Chap 10, Misc.
Michael Bailey
- Chap 10, Misc.
alice wellintown
- Chap 10, Misc.
alice wellintown
- Nazis in the USA, from a report of the of Justice Department
Clément Lévy
- New Age Imperialism
alice wellintown
- aw. Re: New Age Imperialism
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP but a Krupp and a rocket and the abyss for Keith Richards
Mark Kohut
- just a tidbit on Against the Day
Mark Kohut
- I Just Wanna See His Face
Henry M
- NP really,..almost irrelevant..but the moment Wittgenstein records in his journal "Mad Dog' Russell's response to the Tractatus
Mark Kohut
- Fw: just a tidbit on Against the Day
Mark Kohut
- I Just Wanna See His Face
Joe Allonby
- V2nd - Chapter 10, au revoir, hello East Orange?
Michael Bailey
- NP Happy Birthday, Moby Dick
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - Chapter 10, au revoir, hello East Orange?
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - Chapter 10, au revoir, hello East Orange?
kelber at
- NP a little Derrida joke...from a piece in Undie Press (online) about working in a bookstore (St. Mark's, NYC, if you must know)
Mark Kohut
- NP but a Krupp and a rocket and the abyss for Keith Richards
Joe Allonby
- aw. Re: New Age Imperialism
David Morris
- NP--Detroit
- V2nd - Chapter 10, au revoir, hello East Orange?
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - Chapter 10, au revoir, hello East Orange?
kelber at
- V2nd - Chapter 10, au revoir, hello East Orange?
Mark Kohut
- Lady Robots: The Shape of Things to Come On
Dave Monroe
- Cronenberg's forthcoming film about Freud and Jung
David Morris
- Cronenberg's forthcoming film about Freud and Jung
- Cronenberg's forthcoming film about Freud and Jung
David Morris
- Cronenberg's forthcoming film about Freud and Jung
- Cronenberg's forthcoming film about Freud and Jung
Dave Monroe
- Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says
Bruce Appelbaum
- NP (maybe V.?) but Wittgenstein...and the Vienna section of Against the
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - who's host?
Michael Bailey
- Fw: Re: V2nd - Chapter 11 - who's host?
kelber at
- Maxwell's Silver Information Demon
Henry M
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- Re: Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says
- fuck the war
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
kelber at
- fuck the war
Michael Bailey
- Greil Marcus on Inherent Vice, and other Book Recommendations
Michael Bailey
- Greil Marcus on Inherent Vice, and other Book Recommendations
Thomas Beshear
- Roger Ebert, poignantly talking of late Cyprian so to speak.. imho.
Mark Kohut
- Mapping the Invasion of America, 1942
Matthew Ryan
- Mapping the Invasion of America, 1942
Dave Monroe
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- Delillo--Hammer & Sickle
- Anyone know what this symbol/these symbols stand for, if anything?
Dave Monroe
- World Battleground, 1000 years of war in 5 minutes
Dave Monroe
- Anyone know what this symbol/these symbols stand for, if anything?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case/ "tower notion"
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case/: Faust
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Natuerliche Maengel
- The Courier's Tragedy
- Natuerliche Maengel - update
- World Battleground, 1000 years of war in 5 minutes
Dave Monroe
- Music for Shroud & Shock
Robin Landseadel
- 17 November 1973
Dave Monroe
- Magic of Spell (1986)
Dave Monroe
- A new sci-fi film about Nazis has reignited a debate in Germany about Hitler's development of UFOs.
James Kyllo
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- Anyone know what this symbol/these symbols stand for, if anything?
Henry M
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
alice wellintown
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Michael Bailey
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
alice wellintown
- 2010 National Book Awards Winners Announced
Dave Monroe
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- Shakespearean tidbit on ATD's Cyprian, associated with Cyprus
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Joe Allonby
- 2010 National Book Awards Winners Announced
Joe Allonby
- 2010 National Book Awards Winners Announced
Thomas Beshear
- A new sci-fi film about Nazis has reignited a debate in Germany about Hitler's development of UFOs.
- Uh...May 8th, anyone?
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon, wind, frontier, and the environment in M&D
Dennis Keohane
- 2010 National Book Awards Winners Announced
Mark Kohut
- NP
Mark Kohut
- 2010 National Book Awards Winners Announced
- NP: Norman Spinrad fans
Mark Kohut
- 2010 National Book Awards Winners Announced
David Morris
- NP: Norman Spinrad fans
David Morris
- NP: Norman Spinrad fans
Matthew Ryan
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
- NP: Norman Spinrad fans
- 2010 National Book Awards Winners Announced
Michael Bailey
- Fwd: NP: Norman Spinrad fans
Bruce Appelbaum
- 2010 National Book Awards Winners Announced
- 2010 National Book Awards Winners Announced
Michael Bailey
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Michael Bailey
- Towards the omega point
Dave Monroe
- P-related, very misc.
Mark Kohut
- NP: for Rich and couple other plisters who introduced Taibbi hereon
Mark Kohut
- Seems there is a budding inititiative for Read Thomas Pynchon in Public Day..violate P's vision of privacy? Or just dedicate the day?
Mark Kohut
- this one for all writing on the colonialism theme in V., all P
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
kelber at
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
David Morris
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
alice wellintown
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
alice wellintown
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
alice wellintown
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Michael Bailey
- Mark Twain glosses P's Jay Gould bust in Cof L49 (from the 100 year-awaited autobigraphy)
Mark Kohut
- Mark Twain glosses P's Jay Gould bust in Cof L49 (from the 100 year-awaited autobigraphy)
alice wellintown
- Animation and robotics: Crossing the uncanny valley
alice wellintown
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
alice wellintown
- Ukulele
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Michael Bailey
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Mark Kohut
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Michael Bailey
- Tom Lehrer vs. Wernher von Braun
Dave Monroe
- It isn't even past, GR Dept.
Monte Davis
- It isn't even past, V. Dept.
Monte Davis
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- V--2nd, Chapter 11 p.324 A room is all that is the case
alice wellintown
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Mark Kohut
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
Mark Kohut
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
Mark Kohut
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
Robin Landseadel
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
alice wellintown
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Robin Landseadel
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Robin Landseadel
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
alice wellintown
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
alice wellintown
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
Robin Landseadel
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Robin Landseadel
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
alice wellintown
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Mark Kohut
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
Ian Livingston
- Finishing the Hat—Paul Simon
Robin Landseadel
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
alice wellintown
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Mark Kohut
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
Michael Bailey
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
Ian Livingston
- V2nd - chapter 11 - the dilemma
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - chapter 11 - the dilemma
alice wellintown
- Possible but not really email address
- Possible but not really email address
Albert Rolls
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
kelber at
- The Musical Cliché Figure Signifying The Far East: Whence, Wherefore, Whither?
Dave Monroe
- It isn't even past, GR Dept.
kelber at
- NP: futility closet
kelber at
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
alice wellintown
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples
alice wellintown
- Re: Finishing the Hat—Paul Simon
David Morris
- AtD/VL-related: The Varieties of Religious Experience
David Morris
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
David Morris
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
David Morris
- Amateur Cryptographers Go Gaga Over New Kryptos Clue: B-E-R-L-I-N
Dave Monroe
- V2nd - Chapter 11 - the tone
Mark Kohut
- TRP and the trees of Vineland. He knew. He knows
Mark Kohut
- Well, not amazing, just another bit of interest if interested
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples
Michael Bailey
- Philip K. Dick’s Masterpiece Years
Dave Monroe
- William S. Burroughs documentary strictly for fans (Reuters)
Dave Monroe
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
- The Crying of Lot 65
Dave Monroe
- Haunted Automaton
David Morris
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples
alice wellintown
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - B/V rumination: coincidence?
Michael Bailey
- We did know this about 'mistral", right?
Mark Kohut
- NP, but May 1970, in the air, very misc.
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - B/V rumination: coincidence?
James Kyllo
Mark Kohut
- The Conspiracy Theory Detector
Dave Monroe
- The Conspiracy Theory Detector
Thomas Beshear
- The Conspiracy Theory Detector
Robin Landseadel
- The Conspiracy Theory Detector
Michael Bailey
- The Conspiracy Theory Detector
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples (fatherly interjections)
Michael Bailey
- A.Word.A.Day--golem
Dave Monroe
- A Thanksgiving Honor Roll for 2010
Dave Monroe
- The Conspiracy Theory Detector
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples (fatherly interjections)
alice wellintown
- Thanksgiving piece, including Hawthorne, Emerson and 'when American liberty also meant an obligation to the common good'
Mark Kohut
- Get a muted horn ink stamp...and send all your mail via Trystero....
Mark Kohut
- Thanksgiving piece, including Hawthorne, Emerson and 'when American liberty also meant an obligation to the common good'
- William S. Burroughs vs. Thanksgiving
Dave Monroe
- Thanksgiving piece, including Hawthorne, Emerson and 'when American liberty also meant an obligation to the common good'
Mark Kohut
- A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Dave Monroe
- Thanksgiving piece, including Hawthorne, Emerson and 'when American liberty also meant an obligation to the common good'
- Thanksgiving piece, including Hawthorne, Emerson and 'when American liberty also meant an obligation to the common good'
alice wellintown
- Get a muted horn ink stamp...and send all your mail via Trystero....
Dave Monroe
- Letters to Thomas Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon Week at Vocabulary & U
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice audio book
Dave Monroe
- This one's for Kai: Varieties of Henry James' religious and non-religious experiences....
Mark Kohut
- more, free, legal ebook(s)
Mark Kohut
- Thanksgiving piece, including Hawthorne, Emerson and 'when American liberty also meant an obligation to the common good'
Ian Livingston
- Thanksgiving piece, including Hawthorne, Emerson and 'when American liberty also meant an obligation to the common good'
- Letters to Thomas Pynchon
- Pynchon in Public Day
Dave Monroe
- 3QD 3 Quarks Daily Nathaniel Hawthorne's ''John Inglefield's Thanksgiving."
Mark Kohut
- Thanksgiving piece, including Hawthorne, Emerson and 'when American liberty also meant an obligation to the common good'
Ian Livingston
- From the Mixed-Up Files of David Foster Wallace
Dave Monroe
- Simon (1980)
Dave Monroe
- Hawthonrne's Heretical Histories
alice wellintown
- OFFLIST>>Terry Teachoout
Mark Kohut
- NP just leftovers
Mark Kohut
- Jay Gould
Ian Livingston
- Mark Twain’s Autobiography Flying Off the Shelves
Dave Monroe
- Jay Gould
Mark Kohut
- Greil Marcus on Inherent Vice, and other Book Recommendations
Michael Bailey
- Greil Marcus on Inherent Vice, and other Book Recommendations
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - a surprising parallel?
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - a surprising parallel?
Michael Bailey
- NP much (intelligent essay, of course, with a curious line.....
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - a surprising parallel?
alice wellintown
- from Frye's A of C, "Theory of Genre" on Confession
alice wellintown
- Tonight @ The Tonic
Dave Monroe
- from Frye's A of C, "Theory of Genre" on Confession
Mark Kohut
- Tonight @ The Tonic
alice wellintown
- Tonight @ The Tonic
Dave Monroe
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Michael Bailey
- For those of you who are fans of math and beer
Matthew Ryan
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
alice wellintown
- Magic & Images/ Images & Magic
Dave Monroe
- Tonight @ The Tonic
- Tonight @ The Tonic
Michael Bailey
- retreat into the world of the inert
alice wellintown
- Fausto & The Secret of Kells
alice wellintown
- Magic & Images/ Images & Magic
alice wellintown
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Ian Livingston
- On the Flip Side
Robin Landseadel
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
alice wellintown
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Ian Livingston
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
alice wellintown
- Secret WWII Army unit reunites on film
Dave Monroe
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Ian Livingston
- Very tangential on CofL49
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
alice wellintown
- Very tangential on CofL49
alice wellintown
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
kelber at
- WikiLeaks
- NP - "Inspire" Magazine
David Morris
- Bore-Geous Novels
David Morris
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Ian Livingston
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
alice wellintown
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
alice wellintown
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
alice wellintown
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Michael Bailey
- WikiLeaks
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP - "Inspire" Magazine
Michael Bailey
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Mark Kohut
- Public domain e-book of Ezra Pound's Gaudier-Brzeska (1916)
Mark Kohut
- on GR's realism............
Mark Kohut
- NP, very misc.
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: "launch, v." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Gebrauschsgraphik
Dave Monroe
- non-Pulitzers
Robert Mahnke
- WikiLeaks
Mark Kohut
- WikiLeaks
David Morris
- WikiLeaks
- WikiLeaks
Mark Kohut
- The History of the Metaphor
Johnny Marr
- The History of the Metaphor
Dave Monroe
- The History of the Metaphor
Dave Monroe
- Landmarks in P-List History
Dave Monroe
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
alice wellintown
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Mark Kohut
- NP but P-related
Mark Kohut
- The Senses of Modernism
Dave Monroe
- The Senses of Modernism
alice wellintown
- The History of the Metaphor
Mark Kohut
- Fw: V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
Mark Kohut
- V2nd - chapter 11 - more examples - Bastardized?
alice wellintown
Last message date:
Tue Nov 30 21:06:23 CST 2010
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:00:35 CST 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).