Jonathan Franzen

rich richard.romeo at
Tue Oct 26 15:38:06 CDT 2010

My point in response to Ian and Franzen's quotes linked below is there
comes a point where one throws up their hands and thinks geez another
interview, spouting upon this and that and making idiotic statements,
oh yes, europe is a great place where people get along really well,
all the malcontents came to America, we were so bad to the indians and
slavery. wow, the man is really layng down some original and thought
provoking shit here.
I think the malcontent bit really bugs me considering the thousands of
people who came to America for a better life including my relatives
from lovable starving Europe. I'm not dissing Europe here, just
Franzen's naive and ill-informed thoughts that's all.
and then yeah he gets the invite to see Obama. Obama is reading the
wrong books ;)


On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 4:24 PM,  <mfarcas at> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Livingston <igrlivingston at>
> To: rich <richard.romeo at>
> Cc: David Morris <fqmorris at>; mfarcas at; pynchon-l at
> Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 6:59 pm
> Subject: Re: Jonathan Franzen: 'America is almost a rogue state'
> I'm starting to like Franzen more all the time. Anyone intimidated
> into silence because of their vocation deserves what they thus consent
> to. Writers, like teachers, students, ironworkers, plumbers, and hod
> carriers ought to be heard from. Politicians need the input so they
> won't be condemned to accepting the voices they do hear--which come
> from lawyers, plutes, and generals.
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 7:40 AM, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
>> agreed but shouldn't writers be read not heard
>> who fucking cares what he thinks personally. that goes for Pynchon, as
>> well. with that said writers wouldn't be all didactic up my ass
>> either. nothing worse than being preached to
>> i would also say hesitantly america was a rogue state but boy has
>> obama been a disappointment on that score. nothing's changed. and now
>> he wants to increase reapproachment with the republicans
>> post-election. incredible
>> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 9:31 AM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>>> Of course the neocons would object - he's pointing his finger straight
>>> at them!  Here's a short list of why he's on target (and he did temper
>>> the charge with "almost"):
>>> 1.  Unprovoked Iraq war justified w/ known lies.
>>> 2.  Newly classified captives stripping them of all human rights.
>>> 3.  Torture.
>>> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 3:52 AM,  <mfarcas at> wrote:
>>>> Franzen stirring controversy by saying (among other things) that
>>>> 'America is
> almost a rogue state'
>>>> The almost instant reaction of the neocons (which does not come as a
> surprise):
> --
> "liber enim librum aperit."

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