TRTR(1) Eye Goddesses Wearing Dipthongs
Mark Kohut
markekohut at
Tue Apr 12 09:12:19 CDT 2011
Wow, the pathways a plist read take....all this theology.
The past is another country....the trip Might scare me again.
Re: Kai on archetypal triune possibility........semiologists,
Amer Philospher C.S. Pierce's lingo to follow,
discuss the structure of the way we make meaning
as threefold....Sign, Signifier, Signified...........
Too stupid right now to explain more, but play with it.
Plus, ever heard a social psychological 'explanation' for
the Trinity?....Thus: our human self-consciousness is formed
with others, with one other at least, usually the mother,
goes the argument, human self-consciousness qualitatively
different from simple consciousness.........
so, an infinite self-consciousness would be formed out
of self-consciousnesses creating a qualitatively different
beyond-human self-consciousness---that Pentecostal
Holy Spirit............................................
Meanwhile back at the text.............................
From: Kai Frederik Lorentzen <lorentzen at>
To: David Morris <fqmorris at>
Cc: Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at>; Michael Bailey
<michael.lee.bailey at>; pynchon-l at
Sent: Tue, April 12, 2011 7:21:34 AM
Subject: Re: TRTR(1) Eye Goddesses Wearing Dipthongs
me thinks your model comes close to docetism:
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
But there definitely is a "necessary" thing about or a function of Pentecost:
Without the outpouring of the Holy Ghost the Christian urcommunity could not
have been solidified.
There's also a parallel between the Trinity and the Indian Trimurti, though the
correspondences have been overrated by early Western scholars.
Maybe this three-in-one happens to be of archetypical nature?
In ancient Greece, earthy Demeter was originally a triune Goddess ...
On 11.04.2011 21:46, David Morris wrote:
I think your presentation here is a prime example of post-rationalization.
There was really never any need, logically, for Jesus to be God. In fact being
God really devalues any accomplishment, because his humanity is really little
but charade (I mean, really, God locked up into the body of an infant?). His
mission, logically (and in a manner which would fit better with Judaism), was to
be the "Second Adam," to succeed where the First Adam failed. He would be the
"Son of God" in that he was born of "divine seed" (not genetically tainted by
Adam's original sin). This model is not without holes, but it is at least as
"necessary" as yours. And speaking of "necesary," how does the Holy Spirit fit
that label. No one has a clue what that part of the Trinity is for. David
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 2:01 PM, Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at> wrote:
>I've always been puzzled by why they thought that mattered so much. Not quite
>enough to read up on it, but puzzled. I mean, you're positing a tripartite
>Godhead, right? What practical implications does that have? What religious
>implications, even?
>The Trinity was a necessary religious invention for a cruel and uncaring world.
>The world was an awful place for 99 percent of humanity. Only a fully human,
>suffering and dying, born-of-woman God could be counted on to fully understand
>the plight of humanity in such an unjust world. But an all-powerful, creator
>God, someone with clout, was needed also. A bit of a contradiction but that
>was OK. The world was already absurd. (still is) They settled on "same
>substance" the most absurd of the three choices. (bite the bullet) It was the
>only one of the three possibilities that slammed the door on arguments over
>whether Jesus was truly human or truly divine. (the rationalists wanted things
>real clear) Although Christianity had to be based on a contradiction, there
>didn't seem to be better answer available. Credo quia adsurdum. Tertullian or
>somebody. P
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