NP: Baby, It's Cold Outside

Henry M scuffling at
Mon Dec 26 07:54:52 CST 2011

Heard yesterday that some women (none who were present at Christmas dinner,
thankfully), supported by a few male drone sycophants looking to play
"Motherm May I," have been categorizing "Baby It's Cold Outside" as one
of... date rape! listened to a variety of people, from Lous and
Ella to Michael Buble and Anne Murray, and often singing along with both
parts, I was shocked.  After discussing it with guests yesterday, I'm
hoping for a P-Liste take on it.

Is all attempt at persuasion to be equated with force? Why would anyone
want to suggest that an adult woman is unable to think well enough after
1.5 drinks (and a cigarette!) to say "no" instead of "I ought to say no?"
WHEN SHE WANT TO? I'm as pomo decon as anyone, but this is not a dialogue,
it's a duet. It has a musical context that can't be honestly ignored. I'm
sure that it could sung or sprechestimmed as if it were something from a
horror movie, but thats the sophomoric kind of sophomoric repurposing most
often performed by that most hated of societal groups, junior high boys.

If you really want to deconstruct this song, then imagine it being sung by
differently gendered people. Wait, don't need to imagine: <>
watch?v=ZAGCZMQUeX <>

Henry Mu
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