GR translation: seedflow

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Wed Jun 15 18:45:18 CDT 2011

It's an allusion to Pavlov and it's a detail in the description of the
flask in the lab. The seedflow is in the flask the light rattles
through, the light knots into the seed flow. This image of knotting
in, a common enough one in Pynchon, is also a pun on the major
structure of  GR or the theatre/theater.  see   de·noue·ment

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 12:48 AM, Mike Jing <mikezjing at> wrote:
> P56.14-15  ....  Blue light goes rattling, reknotting through the seedflow
> inside the glass.  ...
> What is "seedflow"?  What exactly is described here?

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