Newbie needs help with "Gravity's Rainbow"

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Mon Mar 7 21:35:18 CST 2011

> P3.3   It is too late.    The Chinese translation says "It is very
> late at night", that can't be right, right?

right!  too late for something or other...

> P6.26-27  ...: crystals grown in morning's beaker,...     Chinese
> translation:" crystals are growing in the beakers, stacks, vents,
> towers, and pluming..."  In other words, they took it literally.  It
> has to be a figure of speech, namely a metaphor for the power station
> and gasworks.  Correct?

or, more broadly, morning itself, with its coolness and moistness, is the beaker

> P6.40  He has seen it in a film, just in the last fortnight...
> Chinese translation:"He has seen it in a film, when he was last on
> leave for a fortnight..."  That has to be wrong as well.

yes.   bringing in a fortnight's leave is unjustified by the context.
It only takes a couple hours to see a film...

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