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Paul Mackin
mackin.paul at
Thu May 5 12:19:02 CDT 2011
On 5/5/2011 12:13 PM, Richard Ryan wrote:
> Paul - are you saying that marriage is the affliction, or the cure?
Well, I guess it's the affliction but of course I was speaking jocularly.
I was localizing what St. Augustine, speaking globally, called felix
culpa or the fortunate fault.
The fall of man that merited such a glorious redemption.
> On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Paul Mackin<mackin.paul at> wrote:
>> On 5/5/2011 9:52 AM, Jed Kelestron wrote:
>>>> It's
>>>> my experience that females can sometimes be quite adept at pointing out
>>>> the
>>>> delusions of males. (not that this will necessary always be the case)
>>> "Still, like other women in love, salvation was her original purpose,
>>> redemption her eventual privilege; and, like most women, she could not
>>> wait to see him to see him thoroughly damned first, before she stepped
>>> in, believing, perhaps as they do, that if he were saved now he would
>>> never need to be redeemed."
>>> -- regarding Esther on p. 78
>> Excellent.
>> Patient: Doctor, I have a cold.
>> Doctor: We can't cure a cold. Wait until it turns into pneumonia and we can
>> treat you.
>> Or---
>> Everyone needs saving (as a result of Man's Fate, Original Sin, or whatever
>> you want to call it) but it is not always easy to RECOGNIZE this fact.
>> An implementer is needed. Marriage can be a very useful part of the
>> process.
>> P
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