nails it thread

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Thu May 19 23:15:19 CDT 2011

from another pundit-writer who holds Orwell's 'seeing what is in front of your 
nose" as an ideal. (He's probably lying)

a moment from his live-blogging of Obama's speech: 
12.38 pm. Now a defense of the right of Islamists to make their case in the 
public square - as long as they do not seek to oppress the right of free speech 
to others. This is one thing that we never heard from George W. Bush. It is 
important to me for the US to accept that many in the Muslim world are geniunely 
attracted to the deadly illusions of fundamentalist government. The best 
response to this is to vent it, not repress it. That's a big risk, of course, 
especially given the openly anti-democratic theologies behind the Muslim 
Brotherhood, Hamas, et al. But it's an expression of self-confidence n American 
ideals, rather than a fear of the Other.

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