Is TR witty? Or a wisdom book?

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun May 29 10:14:05 CDT 2011

p.155 ---"Gordon: Wit, my dear Priscilla, is the vulgar currency of wisdom"....

From youth, I, like many at Gaddis's TR parties, liked wit. I wanted to "be 
I like(d) aphorisms.....

I once paid what I thought was a compliment to my intellectual mentor, 40 years 
older than I, 

when I was young. I said he could speak aphoristically about deep 
concerns---yoking things 

together (of things and in ways I was still clueless about, of course) " like 
Eliot spoke of
wit by the metaphysical poets", I said.............................

He was not happy with that compliment, and snapped that he did not talk 
that whatever insights he might have came from a lifetime of experience and 
reflection about
the things he talked about............

All:  discuss in 25 witty words or less---- or a wise number more....

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