Movie of Recognitions called "Certified Copy"

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Mon May 30 08:03:53 CDT 2011

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 7:23 AM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:

> I cannot believe there is this movie!....Must see....seems Kirostami focussed on
> that key chapter about the married couple at home alone.....................

... me, I've been giving Kiarostami the benefit of th e doubt on this
one, by virtue of his being, well. Kiarostami.  Not that I'm not so
sure iit's not a "bad" movie, I'm just curious as to why it does,
well, what it does, is all.  I was about to say, just make sure you
don't miss a (the?) critical moment in it but I'm not so sure it's a
critical nonmoment as well (in that nothing happens, but everything
changes anyway).  Not so Beckett or Camus this time as, say, Pinter,
perhaps ...

... anyway, once they're seated for dinner, don't go to the bathroom
(or be called away for an ultimate nonemergency, as I was), is al I
can say ....

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