Movie of Recognitions called "Certified Copy"

João Justi jjusti at
Mon May 30 08:16:11 CDT 2011

I saw it last year and I remember giving it a 65, which is pretty good/OK,
but everyone I know seems to love it (plus the critics are also praising
it). There is a review by M Sicinski which I found to be better than the
movie itself:
Mm, I'm sorry if this has already been pointed out, but if you have
mentioned the movie because of its theme (original vs copy) I would suggest
F for Fake by Orson Welles (his best movie, imo).

João Antônio

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at>wrote:

> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 7:23 AM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> > I cannot believe there is this movie!....Must see....seems Kirostami
> focussed on
> > that key chapter about the married couple at home
> alone.....................
> ... me, I've been giving Kiarostami the benefit of th e doubt on this
> one, by virtue of his being, well. Kiarostami.  Not that I'm not so
> sure iit's not a "bad" movie, I'm just curious as to why it does,
> well, what it does, is all.  I was about to say, just make sure you
> don't miss a (the?) critical moment in it but I'm not so sure it's a
> critical nonmoment as well (in that nothing happens, but everything
> changes anyway).  Not so Beckett or Camus this time as, say, Pinter,
> perhaps ...
> ... anyway, once they're seated for dinner, don't go to the bathroom
> (or be called away for an ultimate nonemergency, as I was), is al I
> can say ....
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