GR translation: social eye

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Mon Oct 24 21:47:43 CDT 2011

Maybe. My eye reads it as his social eye-like light. But I've been
right all day, so maybe my odds are bad tonight, yes bad. The wind
under the door into ratz alley ses:

 but the figurative reading, where like introduces a metaphor, in this
case a simile, where like is used to compare his social eye to light
at the edge of evening when it is dim and one can't quite correct the
vision, the adjustment of the light, internal lags as the sun sets and
the lamps and specticles fail to prevent that evening sun goin down
look losing evrythang...turn back to the Pavlovian at the close of the
previous episode who can't extinguish the dread and back to
Lamplighter and the Pynchon game is pun.

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