aw. Re: Where did ...

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Tue Sep 27 00:25:47 CDT 2011

 Matthew Cissell  wrote:

>  Paul,
>     Then you might find my area of research interesting; don't worry, I
> won't go into it.

I know you were addressing Paul, but I surmise that at least some of us
would find it interesting

anything goes

reception theory has come up a couple times before - is that relevant?

my .02 is that the recluse is a stereotype derived from prehistoric cave
painters, perhaps shamans as well, religious monasts, and prophets, small
town eccentrics or forest hermits, who oftentimes (in stories and enough
relayed experience that they ring true to me) have a nice bottle of wine or
glass of tea, and some interesting tales or lore or even material assistance
for kids bold enough or knights erring in straits dire enough to cross over
into their domain...

the role is a part of folklore - so that literary culture has a niche
available for such a character
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