aw. Re: Where did ...

Paul Mackin mackin.paul at
Thu Sep 29 10:19:18 CDT 2011

On 9/27/2011 1:25 AM, Michael Bailey wrote:
>  Matthew Cissell  wrote:
>     Paul,
>         Then you might find my area of research interesting; don't
>     worry, I won't go into it.
> I know you were addressing Paul, but I surmise that at least some of 
> us would find it interesting
> anything goes
> reception theory has come up a couple times before - is that relevant?

I thought back to this post while noting a reference to a Stanford 
Literary Lab pamphlet in the morning NY Times:

cultural transmission
social life of novels
amateur online book reviewers

featuring David Foster Wallace


> -- 
> my .02 is that the recluse is a stereotype derived from prehistoric 
> cave painters, perhaps shamans as well, religious monasts, and 
> prophets, small town eccentrics or forest hermits, who oftentimes (in 
> stories and enough relayed experience that they ring true to me) have 
> a nice bottle of wine or glass of tea, and some interesting tales or 
> lore or even material assistance for kids bold enough or knights 
> erring in straits dire enough to cross over into their domain...
> the role is a part of folklore - so that literary culture has a niche 
> available for such a character

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