Hobbes, Nasti, Brutus, Short & Calvin

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 30 14:28:25 CDT 2011

One plister at least has spoken of historian Richard Hofstadter's influence on
P's vision (esp. of the U.S.).  He, after all, wrote a famous essay turned into book
about the paranoid style in American politics....RH also wrote on social Darwinism 
and American ideals and reality at the time of Mason & Dixon................
So, I open RH's American Political Tradition and am greetied with this opening sentence:
"Long ago Horace White observed that the Constitution of the United States "is based upon
the philosophy of Hobbes and the religion of Calvin. It assumes that the natural state of 
mankind is a state of war (!!)---"Life is a State of Seige"AtD---and that the carnal mind is at enmity with 
Just sayin". 
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