Very Misc. Pynchonian echoes everywhere. Like birds outdoors

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Tue Aug 7 06:07:29 CDT 2012

According to David Graeber in Debt, a couple (older) economists, Karl Menger
and Stanley Jevons, in writing about how a free market has arisen in societies--
random foax with random desires can lead to consensual "pricing' ,beyond the 
trading, bartering ways,-- says they created the vocab such as "transaction costs'
to replace "inconveniences"--his italics. I wonder if they used that word. 
Neo-somehow-Jungian Thomas Moore writes of William Morris' attempt to
"eroticize" work--make it not inhuman--in the 18th Century and describes a moment
in a Glenn Gould documentary in which Glenn is standing in a glass crystal architectural
structure which he sums up as "This is crazy"---the architecture. 
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