Very Misc. Pynchonian echoes everywhere. Like birds outdoors

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Tue Aug 7 21:36:03 CDT 2012

Today, Aug 7, NPR maureen corrigan summarizing points while reviewing a new
NF book on sleep...."Since the invention of the light bulb, our sleep has not been
seems to sleep when dark, awake for a while during middle of night, then
sleep again until light was what it used to be like, scientists who study and interpret
some stuff from medieval times on.......and now when foax can sleep those rhythms
(in experiments) the sleep effects are like rejuvenation in short order.....

From: Mark Kohut <markekohut at>
To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at> 
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 7:07 AM
Subject: Very Misc. Pynchonian echoes everywhere. Like birds outdoors

According to David Graeber in Debt, a couple (older) economists, Karl Menger
and Stanley Jevons, in writing about how a free market has arisen in societies--
random foax with random desires can lead to consensual "pricing' ,beyond the 
trading, bartering ways,-- says they created the vocab such as "transaction costs'
to replace "inconveniences"--his italics. I wonder if they used that word. 

Neo-somehow-Jungian Thomas Moore writes of William Morris' attempt to
"eroticize" work--make it not inhuman--in the 18th Century and describes a moment
in a Glenn Gould documentary in which Glenn is standing in a glass crystal architectural
structure which he sums up as "This is crazy"---the architecture. 
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