The fix (Was Re: NP Misc.)
Ian Livingston
igrlivingston at
Sun Dec 16 09:37:56 CST 2012
On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 1:51 AM, <bandwraith at> wrote:
> Demonizing the shooter's mother is the wrong way to go. It may come out
> that she deserves some blame- just buying the guns in my rad-liberal brain
> (despite my testosterone)- is not a good thing. But there is an exponential
> difference between buying, collecting, target shooting at a range and the
> horrendous random killing of twenty innocent children.
> The burden should not just fall on the shoulders' of mothers: to be both
> the familial counterpoint to the inherent violence of their male children
> (and mates), as well as, too often, the victims of it.
> Men and women are not equal when it comes to the underlying
> psycho-physical tendencies to commit mass murder. This needs to be
> acknowledged and dealt with- not necessarily by hiring more cops with more
> glocks. Got any ideas?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kelber <kelber at>
> To: pynchon-l <pynchon-l at>
> Sent: Sat, Dec 15, 2012 11:23 pm
> Subject: Re: The fix (Was Re: NP Misc.)
> And according to friends, the shooter's mom was a gun freak who encouraged
> her
> sons to go to the shooting range with her.
> Laura
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bekah <bekah0176 at>
>> Sent: Dec 15, 2012 11:08 PM
>> To: bandwraith at
>> Cc: pynchon-l at
>> Subject: Re: The fix (Was Re: NP Misc.)
>> Women will promptly hand those guns over to some man, either "Mr.
> Right" or a
> son or a brother - someone. The Sandy Hook killer's guns were registered
> in
> his mom's name.
>> Bekah
>> On Dec 15, 2012, at 4:15 PM, bandwraith at wrote:
>> 1. Adopt "Smart Gun" technology for all new guns.
>>> 2. After a grace period, all new ammunition must be smart gun
>> specific- i.e.,
> will only work in smart guns.
>>> 3. Women can legally buy as many guns, bazookas, rocket launchers,
>> etc., as
> the like.
>> 3a. Men cannot and are not permitted to own guns of any kind.
>>> Because actually, the problem is not guns, its testosterone. Women
>> occassionally go nuts and drown their kids, or drag them into a suicide
> scenario, but this is rare. There are, to my knowledge, no documented
> massacres
> of innocents by women in the U.S. All of them have been perpetrated by
> men. We
> need to acknowledge this fact and deal with it accordingly.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Ian Livingston <igrlivingston at>
>>> To: Amany Rocco Kaiser <amanyroccokaiser at>
>>> Cc: pynchon-l <pynchon-l at>
>>> Sent: Sat, Dec 15, 2012 2:14 pm
>>> Subject: Re: NP Misc.
>>> I heartily agree. Twain spoke to it a hundred years back, to the
>> effect that
> we ignite a bunker and throw each other into the flames. Let's see, how'd
> he put
> that.... "We build a fire in a powder magazine, then double the fire
> department
> to put it out. We inflame wild beasts with the smell of blood, and then
> innocently wonder at the wave of brutal appetite that sweeps the land as a
> consequence." - Speech, between October 5 and October 17, 1907. We feed
> psychotropic drugs to people whose minds are already weakened and deluded
> into a
> perspective that sees slaughter as common and who are living hopelessly at
> the
> edge, then we sell them guns. All the guns they want.
>>> Al queda won, exposing the greatest terrorist network ever devised.
>> And we
> are that.
>>> A Dionysian age is in its full frenzy, taking innocents by the
>> score. The
> Apollonians have work to do. I think few generations have been called upon
> to
> rebuild on the ruins of such a society as reigns today, but the coming
> generation is tasked with just that. My question is how can we help, now
> that we
> have let so much that is bad take root? There's work to be done, that much
> I
> believe.
>>> On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Amany Rocco Kaiser
>> <amanyroccokaiser at>
> wrote:
>>> We must consider what is behind it.
>>> It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly
>>>> sick
>> society.<<
>>> If it is a matter of "guilt," the people will not be the great judge
>> of this
> court. Because the indictee here is the people themselves ...
>>> ARK
>>> Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 14:48:49 -0500
>>>> Subject: Re: NP Misc.
>>>> From: richard.romeo at
>>>> To: markekohut at
>>>> CC: pynchon-l at
>>>> considering what's happened in Connecticut today, a very heavy
>>> feeling
>> weighs one down. suppose thats what u were referring, too
>>>> Hartford Courant @hartfordcourant
>>>> One entire classrom is unaccounted for outside the school, sources
>>> said
>>>> On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 9:23 AM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> > "The tragic is above all a property which we observe in events,
>>> fortunes,
>>>> > characters and the like, wnd which actually
>>>> > exists in them. We might say that it is given off by them like a
>>> heavy
>>>> > breath, or seems like an obscure glimmering that surrounds them."
>>>> > ---On the Tragic, Max
>>>> > Scheler, 1954
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