..Not in the least bit Pynchonic -- space

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 9 03:34:37 CST 2012

There seems to be an essay in that new book only
on Against the Day---browsing in online---all about
space in AtD..........such as you preecho.....

From: Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com>
To: P-list <pynchon-l at waste.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: ..Not in the least bit Pynchonic -- space

> That's what I like best about your rather more utilitarian view of a
> space, as a limited area to discuss.

thanks!  - the burst of enthusiasm I had is fading, and I was starting
to feel a little embarrassed

obviously non-rigorous  - strictly for fun...applying a name to
thoughts I already have, or in certain cases letting a name alert me
to things I've not thought of before, trying it on in various contexts

>Using that terminology, we might
> ask, for instance, what part of the drawer should be devoted to folded
> pairs of socks, what part to undergarments.

I'm not quite that organized, although there is one particular drawer
that they go in (along with other oddments)

but, yeah, again in a Denis-from-IV-like appreciation of the obvious
("it's a *drug* store, man!") -
not only is there a drawer that is a sock/underwear/misc space
but there is also a burst of activity I'm considering considering as
"laundry space"

then there's work-space, cleaning space, sleeping space,
relationship-space - all having co-ordinate systems that partake of
more than just 3d + time, so that - non-rigorously, of course - I'm
very used to multidimensional systems!

moving along non-rigorously (not *anti*-rigorously: I'm aware and
appreciative of rigor, I just haven't got a lot to offer in that
dep't) --

Feynmann said some of those particle equations work just as well
backward as forward in time

so it's probably just my miserable weakness that prevents extra
degrees of freedom in movement thru time
- I can conceive the idea of it, and it would be really handy
sometimes, but even thinking it thru (there are just so many
co-ordinates!) is difficult...

a problem like continuing a pull-up until head and trunk are above the
bar - which I've seen done, but is way beyond my current abilities -
seems easy in comparison

the difference being, I've not actually seen anybody pull off time
travel other than riding the time escalator along with everybody else
in the vicinity (afaik)

maybe there's a certain grip that you have to use, and then practice
and strength come into play...
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