NP: Murakami movie

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Thu Jan 5 16:13:21 CST 2012

Just know that the kind of story it is----although importantly framed years later
is almost a genre itself in Japan, I learned......
The college love genre........

From: "kelber at" <kelber at>
To: pynchon-l at 
Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 3:03 PM
Subject: NP: Murakami movie

I know there are a lot of Murakami fans here (I've only read The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, which underwhelmed me by its overt cuteness).  This trailer makes it look like a sappy love story, but I assume it's a lot more than that.  It opens in NYC this weekend.  Should I see it?

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