January 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 1 09:52:32 CST 2012
Ending: Tue Jan 31 21:08:14 CST 2012
Messages: 577
- Fwd: "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Charles Albert
- Fwd: "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Charles Albert
- OFF Re: Fwd: "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Charles Albert
- NP - new editions of Gaddis' JR, The Recognitions
Charles Albert
- Augmented Reality
Joe Allonby
- socialism vs capitalism
Joe Allonby
- Greil Marcus vs. Inherent Vice
Joe Allonby
- 1Q84
Joe Allonby
- Tangential, almost irrelevant, on "Keep Cool, But Care"
Joe Allonby
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Joe Allonby
- 1Q84
John Bailey
- 1Q84
John Bailey
- (np) foia FBI memo on flying saucers
Michael Bailey
- socialism vs capitalism
Michael Bailey
- GR translation: When Jamf conditioned him, he threw away the stimulus.
Michael Bailey
- GR translation: When Jamf conditioned him, he threw away the stimulus.
Michael Bailey
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Michael Bailey
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Michael Bailey
- Misfits
Michael Bailey
- Misfits
Michael Bailey
- Misfits
Michael Bailey
- cultural capital and why we read and write books
Michael Bailey
- Creative Destruction
Michael Bailey
- Rainbow-Files: "23rd card of the Zone's trumps major...." (p. 707)
Michael Bailey
- Tangential, almost irrelevant, on "Keep Cool, But Care"
Michael Bailey
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
Michael Bailey
- An Abandoned Cold War Missile Base Hidden In The Adirondacks
Michael Bailey
- An Abandoned Cold War Missile Base Hidden In The Adirondacks
Michael Bailey
- I've had nigh unto two years now ...
Michael Bailey
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Michael Bailey
- (np) novel as many time pad
Michael Bailey
- socialism vs capitalism
- Detention without trial
- Frederica Maas, RIP
- Video of First Scene of IV
- NP - Finnegans Wake
- NP - Finnegans Wake
- NP - Finnegans Wake
- NP - Finnegans Wake
- 1Q84
- NP - Finnegans Wake
- NP - Finnegans Wake
- 1Q84
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
- An Abandoned Cold War Missile Base Hidden In The Adirondacks
- Finnegans Wake
- New Project
Erik T. Burns
- Is this a photo of Pynchon at Mimi Baez's wedding?
Erik T. Burns
- Is this a photo of Pynchon at Mimi Baez's wedding?
Erik T. Burns
- Is this a photo of Pynchon at Mimi Baez's wedding?
Erik T. Burns
- "what the lyrics to ";in the Dark; are really about"
Erik T. Burns
- Frederica Maas, RIP
Erik T. Burns
- NP - new editions of Gaddis' JR, The Recognitions
Erik T. Burns
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Erik T. Burns
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Erik T. Burns
- Rainbows and Glorys
Matthew Cissell
- For the dog lovers
Matthew Cissell
- TP? Mapping movement in 50's Paris
Matthew Cissell
- cultural capital and why we read and write books
Matthew Cissell
- lrp
Jon Clay
- npharris
Jon Clay
- NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream
Alex Colter
- Rainbow-Files: "23rd card of the Zone's trumps major...." (p. 707)
Alex Colter
- Buffalo Bill outside Chicago World's Fair, 1893 [pic]
Alex Colter
- "Yet aloft, in Map-space"
Alex Colter
- Rainbow-Files: "23rd card of the Zone's trumps major...." (p. 707)
Alex Colter
- Rainbow-Files: "23rd card of the Zone's trumps major...." (p. 707)
Alex Colter
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Alex Colter
- Obama sez folks who say America will decline and China replace it are wrong
Alex Colter
- New Project
Keith Davis
- New Project
Keith Davis
- New Project
Keith Davis
- New Project
Keith Davis
- New Project
Keith Davis
- socialism vs capitalism
Keith Davis
- New Project
Keith Davis
- New Project
Keith Davis
- (np) foia FBI memo on flying saucers
Keith Davis
- socialism vs capitalism
Keith Davis
- New Project
Keith Davis
- socialism vs capitalism
Keith Davis
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Keith Davis
- Preserving Teslas Wardenclyf
Keith Davis
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Keith Davis
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Keith Davis
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Keith Davis
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Keith Davis
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Keith Davis
Keith Davis
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Keith Davis
- I've had nigh unto two years now ...
Keith Davis
- Finnegans Wake
Keith Davis
- "Take a T-shirt from the pile. Closest you're gonna get to pure anarchy"---AtD
Keith Davis
- "Take a T-shirt from the pile. Closest you're gonna get to pure anarchy"---AtD
Keith Davis
- Is this a photo of Pynchon at Mimi Baez's wedding?
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Richard Fiero
- Rainbow-Files: "23rd card of the Zone's trumps major...." (p. 707)
Richard Fiero
- Creative Destruction
Richard Fiero
- Creative Destruction
Richard Fiero
- Creative Destruction
Richard Fiero
- Creative Destruction
Richard Fiero
- Creative Destruction
Richard Fiero
- JRR Tolkien snubbed by 1961 Nobel jury, papers reveal
Phillip Grayson
- Ian Rankin writes some good mysteries, terrif protagonist
Phillip Grayson
- GR translation: When Jamf conditioned him, he threw away the stimulus.
Mike Jing
- GR translation: their typewriter keys chattery as their pearlies
Mike Jing
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- NP but Rbt Stone
Jed Kelestron
- NP but Rbt Stone
Jed Kelestron
- Finnegans Wake
Jed Kelestron
- Misc. new year but old style Pynchon-related stuff
Mark Kohut
- socialism vs capitalism
Mark Kohut
- Ahab (Capitalist) & the red hand and hammar of Tashtego (Socialism) go down together
Mark Kohut
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Mark Kohut
- socialism vs capitalism
Mark Kohut
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
Mark Kohut
- was Socialism & Capitalism: Misc.
Mark Kohut
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
Mark Kohut
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
Mark Kohut
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Mark Kohut
- "reads like nonfiction outtakes of Pynchon's V."
Mark Kohut
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Mark Kohut
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Mark Kohut
- Sounds very Pynchonian to me
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: their typewriter keys chattery as their pearlies
Mark Kohut
- NP: Tolkein, no lyricism; Frost, too old!?; Moravia, too same-old sameness, THEY said
Mark Kohut
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Mark Kohut
- NP: Murakami movie
Mark Kohut
- NP: Murakami movie
Mark Kohut
- "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Mark Kohut
- "Stranger things than in all your philosophy, Horatio"
Mark Kohut
- NP just entroP: Wilczek's demon
Mark Kohut
- OFF Re: Fwd: "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Mark Kohut
- Icelandic Spar, doubleness, wha?
Mark Kohut
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Mark Kohut
- OFF means OFF
Mark Kohut
- Misc. new reader of Inherent Vice
Mark Kohut
- Icelandic Spar, doubleness, wha?
Mark Kohut
- Icelandic Spar, doubleness, wha?
Mark Kohut
- Misc. On Resplendancy
Mark Kohut
- Misc. new reader of Inherent Vice
Mark Kohut
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Mark Kohut
- Video of First Scene of IV
Mark Kohut
- Don't tell me Pynchon is not a major influence
Mark Kohut
- pynchon, melville
Mark Kohut
- Greil Marcus vs. Inherent Vice
Mark Kohut
- Gravity's Rainbow autodidact, sorta
Mark Kohut
- NP but Beatles, Brooklyn & ukelele news
Mark Kohut
- bananas in WW2 & Twinkies (In the news)
Mark Kohut
- blogger on Against the Day & The Road....
Mark Kohut
- NP..very interesting remark --Discuss---from a novelist
Mark Kohut
- Misfits
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon has seen the movie too, I bet
Mark Kohut
- Misc. Pynchon associations
Mark Kohut
- The Tower is everywhere
Mark Kohut
- NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream
Mark Kohut
- NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream
Mark Kohut
- NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream
Mark Kohut
- probably ridiculously tangential to P; Vineland
Mark Kohut
- cultural capital and why we read and write books
Mark Kohut
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Mark Kohut
- 1Q84
Mark Kohut
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Mark Kohut
- Creative Destruction
Mark Kohut
- Creative Destruction
Mark Kohut
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Mark Kohut
- 1Q84
Mark Kohut
- 1Q84
Mark Kohut
- V. another meaning just learned
Mark Kohut
- 1Q84
Mark Kohut
- 1Q84
Mark Kohut
- Tangential, almost irrelevant, on "Keep Cool, But Care"
Mark Kohut
- NP but Murakami
Mark Kohut
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Mark Kohut
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Mark Kohut
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Mark Kohut
- Tangential, almost irrelevant, on "Keep Cool, But Care"
Mark Kohut
- Ian Rankin writes some good mysteries, terrif protagonist
Mark Kohut
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
Mark Kohut
- Atdtda34: Details one had simply ignored, 954-956 #1
Mark Kohut
- NP group read of Henry Adams' Democracy
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Re: Atdtda34: Details one had simply ignored, 954-956 #1
Mark Kohut
- comic relief
Mark Kohut
- BIGFOOT... from Inherent Vice
Mark Kohut
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Mark Kohut
- Obama sez folks who say America will decline and China replace it are wrong
Mark Kohut
- NP except thematically What it Means to be Human
Mark Kohut
- I thought of the inner spaces in Pynchon's worlds
Mark Kohut
- Fw: A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Mark Kohut
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Mark Kohut
- NP but Rbt Stone
Mark Kohut
- In Which Gaddis, Pynchon, jack green and Steve Moore appear
Mark Kohut
- Misc. bloviating
Mark Kohut
- NP but Vonnegut
Mark Kohut
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Mark Kohut
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Mark Kohut
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Mark Kohut
- More Misc. NP, but everything connects
Mark Kohut
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Mark Kohut
- (np) novel as many time pad
Mark Kohut
- Chumps of Chance?
Mark Kohut
- "Take a T-shirt from the pile. Closest you're gonna get to pure anarchy"---AtD
Mark Kohut
- Happy New Year
Clement Levy
- socialism vs capitalism
Ian Livingston
- socialism vs capitalism
Ian Livingston
- New Project
Ian Livingston
- (np) foia FBI memo on flying saucers
Ian Livingston
- New Project
Ian Livingston
- socialism vs capitalism
Ian Livingston
- (np) foia FBI memo on flying saucers
Ian Livingston
- socialism vs capitalism
Ian Livingston
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Ian Livingston
- Ahab (Capitalist) & the red hand and hammar of Tashtego (Socialism) go down together
Ian Livingston
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Ian Livingston
- Fwd: "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Ian Livingston
- "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Ian Livingston
- Kopimism
Ian Livingston
- "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Ian Livingston
- JRR Tolkien snubbed by 1961 Nobel jury, papers reveal
Ian Livingston
- The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
Ian Livingston
- JRR Tolkien snubbed by 1961 Nobel jury, papers reveal
Ian Livingston
- Icelandic Spar, doubleness, wha?
Ian Livingston
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Ian Livingston
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Ian Livingston
- Icelandic Spar, doubleness, wha?
Ian Livingston
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Ian Livingston
- Icelandic Spar, doubleness, wha?
Ian Livingston
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Ian Livingston
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Ian Livingston
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Ian Livingston
- Detention without trial
Ian Livingston
- Detention without trial
Ian Livingston
- Video of First Scene of IV
Ian Livingston
- Creative Destruction
Ian Livingston
- Creative Destruction
Ian Livingston
- Creative Destruction
Ian Livingston
- Creative Destruction
Ian Livingston
- Artist informed by P?
Ian Livingston
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Ian Livingston
- An Abandoned Cold War Missile Base Hidden In The Adirondacks
Ian Livingston
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Ian Livingston
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Ian Livingston
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Ian Livingston
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Ian Livingston
- OFF means OFF
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP but Beatles, Brooklyn & ukelele news
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP but Beatles, Brooklyn & ukelele news
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Misfits
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- The Tower is everywhere
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- The Tower is everywhere
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Rainbow-Files: "23rd card of the Zone's trumps major...." (p. 707)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Video of First Scene of IV
Henry M
- NP but Rbt Stone
Henry M
- How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival
Henry M
- socialism vs capitalism
Paul Mackin
- New Project
Paul Mackin
- socialism vs capitalism
Paul Mackin
- socialism vs capitalism
Paul Mackin
- socialism vs capitalism
Paul Mackin
- GR translation: their typewriter keys chattery as their pearlies
Paul Mackin
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Paul Mackin
- pynchon trove
Paul Mackin
- pynchon trove
Paul Mackin
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Paul Mackin
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Paul Mackin
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Paul Mackin
- OFF means OFF
Paul Mackin
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Paul Mackin
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Paul Mackin
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Paul Mackin
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Paul Mackin
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Paul Mackin
- Misfits
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon has seen the movie too, I bet
Paul Mackin
- Misc. Pynchon associations
Paul Mackin
- NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream
Paul Mackin
- NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream
Paul Mackin
- NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream
Paul Mackin
- cultural capital and why we read and write books
Paul Mackin
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Paul Mackin
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Paul Mackin
- 1Q84
Paul Mackin
- ayma needit moo-scared
Paul Mackin
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
Paul Mackin
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
Paul Mackin
- Fwd: Re: Atdtda34: Details one had simply ignored, 954-956 #1
Paul Mackin
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Paul Mackin
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Paul Mackin
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Paul Mackin
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Paul Mackin
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Paul Mackin
- NP except thematically What it Means to be Human
Paul Mackin
- NP but Rbt Stone
Paul Mackin
- NP but Rbt Stone
Paul Mackin
- Finnegans Wake
Paul Mackin
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Paul Mackin
- (np) novel as many time pad
Paul Mackin
- JRR Tolkien snubbed by 1961 Nobel jury, papers reveal
Robert Mahnke
- NP - new editions of Gaddis' JR, The Recognitions
Robert Mahnke
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Dipanjan Maitra
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Dipanjan Maitra
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Dipanjan Maitra
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Dipanjan Maitra
- socialism vs capitalism
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
- Logocracy: Richard W. Bailey's "Democracy in American English"
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: "babalaas, n. and adj." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- New Project
Dave Monroe
- Skeletons point to Columbus voyage for syphilis origins
Dave Monroe
- Augmented Reality
Dave Monroe
- Augmented Reality
Dave Monroe
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
Dave Monroe
- Immortality, Theology and Art
Dave Monroe
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
Dave Monroe
- Josef Škvorecký, requiescat in pace ...
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Dave Monroe
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Dave Monroe
- NP: Murakami movie
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: "brain sucker, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Kopimism
Dave Monroe
- "what the lyrics to ";in the Dark; are really about"
Dave Monroe
- English Pronunciation
Dave Monroe
- JRR Tolkien snubbed by 1961 Nobel jury, papers reveal
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: "adumbrate, v." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- "what the lyrics to ";in the Dark; are really about"
Dave Monroe
- The Dziga Vertov Group for Schick
Dave Monroe
- ‘Time cloak’ hid event in experiment, physicists say
Dave Monroe
- What home means to us
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: "automaton, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Detention without trial
Dave Monroe
- Queequeg’s Coffin
Dave Monroe
- Misfits
Dave Monroe
- Misfits
Dave Monroe
- Greil Marcus vs. Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- The Pigeon Post
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: "nyctograph, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Doomsday Clock Moves 1 minute closer to midnight
Dave Monroe
- Should unfinished works be left untouched?
Dave Monroe
- What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years
Dave Monroe
- Wikipedia, Reddit plan blackout in SOPA protest
Dave Monroe
- 3D Spies of WWII
Dave Monroe
- Happy 70th Birthday, Muhammad Ali!
Dave Monroe
- Happy 70th Birthday, Muhammad Ali!
Dave Monroe
- Namibia's Herero Tribe
Dave Monroe
- Happy Birthday, Edgar Allen Poe!
Dave Monroe
- How Copyright Industries Con Congress
Dave Monroe
- David Brin's List of "Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy Tales"
Dave Monroe
- Mind-alteringdrugs research call from Prof David Nutt
Dave Monroe
- 100 Years of the War on Drugs
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: "doryphore, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Corman McCarthy @Twitter?
Dave Monroe
- I've had nigh unto two years now ...
Dave Monroe
- Transmedia
Dave Monroe
- Umberto Eco: 'It's culture, not war, that cements European identity'
Dave Monroe
- Our New Deathkingdom
Dave Monroe
- socialism vs capitalism
David Morris
- Preserving Teslas Wardenclyf
David Morris
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
David Morris
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
David Morris
- GR translation: When Jamf conditioned him, he threw away the stimulus.
David Morris
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
David Morris
- Preserving Teslas Wardenclyf
David Morris
- Preserving Teslas Wardenclyf
David Morris
- GR translation: their typewriter keys chattery as their pearlies
David Morris
- The Kenyan from Mars
David Morris
- NP - How Many Stephen Colberts Are There?
David Morris
- NP - How Many Stephen Colberts Are There?
David Morris
- NP - How Many Stephen Colberts Are There?
David Morris
- "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
David Morris
- "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
David Morris
- "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
David Morris
- The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
David Morris
- The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
David Morris
- The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
David Morris
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
David Morris
- Greil Marcus vs. Inherent Vice
David Morris
- NP - Finnegans Wake
David Morris
- NP - Pina
David Morris
- 1Q84
David Morris
- NP - Finnegans Wake
David Morris
- Creative Destruction
David Morris
- NP - Finnegans Wake
David Morris
- Creative Destruction
David Morris
- Creative Destruction
David Morris
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
David Morris
David Morris
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
David Morris
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
David Morris
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
David Morris
- Chumps of Chance?
David Morris
- Atdtda34: Details one had simply ignored, 954-956 #1
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda34: Details one had simply ignored, 954-956 #2
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda34: Welcome home, 956
Paul Nightingale
- Happy Birthday, "Edgar Allen Poe!" Well, it's "Allan."
Mitchell Nisonoff
- Dodo
- Finnegans Wake
- An Abandoned Cold War Missile Base Hidden In The Adirondacks
Werner Presber
- Bundesarchiv - Der Herero-Aufstand 1904 – Aus der Sicht des Soldaten und Kolonialschriftstellers Paul Leutwein
Werner Presber
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Creative Destruction
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Creative Destruction
Heikki Raudaskoski
- NP but Rbt Stone
- NP but Rbt Stone
- Misc. new reader of Inherent Vice
Albert Rolls
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Albert Rolls
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Albert Rolls
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Albert Rolls
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Albert Rolls
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Albert Rolls
- Any one in Texas want to transcribe some letters?
Albert Rolls
- Finnegans Wake
Albert Rolls
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Albert Rolls
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Albert Rolls
- New Cormac Screenplay, The Counselor
Richard Ryan
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Richard Ryan
- 1Q84
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- 1Q84
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- 1Q84
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- Creative Destruction
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- 1Q84
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- Is My Penis is Big in Japan or do I have a Tight Connection to My Green Beans
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- GR autodidact sorta ch 5,6.7,8
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- (np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- In Lit Today a dialectic for living in community
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- animatronic baby
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- The Mytrh about the Fed Printing Money
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- Obama sez folks who say America will decline and China replace it are wrong
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- NP except thematically What it Means to be Human
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- I've had nigh unto two years now ...
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
- socialism vs capitalism
Joseph Tracy
- New Project
Joseph Tracy
- (np) foia FBI memo on flying saucers
Joseph Tracy
- socialism vs capitalism
Joseph Tracy
- Ahab (Capitalist) & the red hand and hammar of Tashtego (Socialism) go down together
Joseph Tracy
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
Joseph Tracy
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Joseph Tracy
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
Joseph Tracy
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Joseph Tracy
- "accidie, n." - Word of the Day from the OED
Joseph Tracy
- Gravity's Rainbow autodidact, sorta
Joseph Tracy
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Joseph Tracy
- Icelandic Spar, doubleness, wha?
Joseph Tracy
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Joseph Tracy
- Icelandic Spar, doubleness, wha?
Joseph Tracy
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Joseph Tracy
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Joseph Tracy
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Joseph Tracy
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
Joseph Tracy
- Gravity's Rainbow autodidact, sorta
Joseph Tracy
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Joseph Tracy
- Detention without trial
Joseph Tracy
- Greil Marcus vs. Inherent Vice
Joseph Tracy
- Gravity's Rainbow autodidact, sorta
Joseph Tracy
- Creative Destruction
Joseph Tracy
- Creative Destruction
Joseph Tracy
- GR autodidact sorta ch 5,6.7,8
Joseph Tracy
- Atdtda34: Details one had simply ignored, 954-956 #1
Joseph Tracy
- GR autodidact sorta ch 5,6.7,8
Joseph Tracy
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Joseph Tracy
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Joseph Tracy
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
Joseph Tracy
- Misc. bloviating
Joseph Tracy
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Joseph Tracy
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
Chiang Wang
- Tangential, almost irrelevant, on "Keep Cool, But Care"
Bled Welder
- Happy Birthday, Edgar Allen Poe!
Bled Welder
- Mongoliid
Bled Welder
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Bled Welder
- ayma needit moo-scared
Bled Welder
- NP - Finnegans Wake
Bled Welder
- GR autodidact sorta ch 5,6.7,8
Bled Welder
- Finnegans Wake
Bled Welder
- An Abandoned Cold War Missile Base Hidden In The Adirondacks
Bled Welder
- Is this a photo of Pynchon at Mimi Baez's wedding?
Tyler Wilson
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
malignd at aol.com
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
malignd at aol.com
- A recent talking point re-emerges in another light....
malignd at aol.com
- NP - new editions of Gaddis' JR, The Recognitions
rbollinger at austin.rr.com
- NP - new editions of Gaddis' JR, The Recognitions
rbollinger at austin.rr.com
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
barbie gaze
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
eburns at gmail.com
- Chad Harbach's 'The Art of Fiedling' on the dreams and insecurities of provincial America
mfarcas at mail.com
- New Project
kelber at mindspring.com
- socialism vs capitalism
kelber at mindspring.com
- "A Galaxy Far Far Away" My Ass!
kelber at mindspring.com
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
kelber at mindspring.com
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
kelber at mindspring.com
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
kelber at mindspring.com
- socialism vs capitalism
kelber at mindspring.com
- NP: Murakami movie
kelber at mindspring.com
- Misc. new reader of Inherent Vice
kelber at mindspring.com
- Frederica Maas, RIP
kelber at mindspring.com
- Video of First Scene of IV
kelber at mindspring.com
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
kelber at mindspring.com
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
kelber at mindspring.com
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
- Jack the Ripper and AtD
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
- The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
- Greil Marcus vs. Inherent Vice
- Greil Marcus vs. Inherent Vice
- Greil Marcus vs. Inherent Vice
- Misfits
- Misfits
- blogger on Against the Day & The Road....
- Misfits
- Misfits
- NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream
- NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream
- New Cormac Screenplay, The Counselor
- NP - new editions of Gaddis' JR, The Recognitions
- Jonathan Franzen: e-books are damaging society
- Our New Deathkingdom
- New Project
jochen stremmel
- New Project
jochen stremmel
- New Project
jochen stremmel
- New Project
jochen stremmel
- New Project
jochen stremmel
- Is this a photo of Pynchon at Mimi Baez's wedding?
jochen stremmel
- Misc. new reader of Inherent Vice
jochen stremmel
- Logocracy: Richard W. Bailey's "Democracy in American English"
alice wellintown
- The narrator of "Bartleby"
alice wellintown
- Nickerbocker's on Zinn
alice wellintown
- Knockerbocker on Appleton
alice wellintown
- Washington to the Scocialists
alice wellintown
- Columbus Clap is probably Crap
alice wellintown
- Ahab (Capitalist) & the red hand and hammar of Tashtego (Socialism) go down together
alice wellintown
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
alice wellintown
- Bartleby the Inscrutable A collection edited by M. Thomas Inge (Parker's "The Sequel")
alice wellintown
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
alice wellintown
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
alice wellintown
- Bartleby and Occupy and short hist of sit-ins
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- The Rise of the American Oligarchy (NYT Book Review)
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- Chad Harbach's 'The Art of Fiedling' on the dreams and insecurities of provincial America
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
alice wellintown
- Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
- Since anomie has been brought to the table
alice wellintown
- Re: Queequeg’s Coffin
alice wellintown
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 21:08:14 CST 2012
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:00:52 CST 2018
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