Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Fri Jan 6 17:34:46 CST 2012

I prefer the Freudian answer. The cause of war is natural in man. We
can no more avoid it than avoid community. As Simon discovers in Lord
of the Flies, the beast is us. That said, these readings of history
that seek to compare the US with Nazi Germany are simply poppycock.
Our readers of Zinn must admit that he does little with WWII because
he can not condemn the US enough; The bombs on Japan, the Japanese
camps, the segregated army, the women sent back to the kitchen like in
all good fascist states. Zinn ignore the people's war because the US
acted in a fairly decent manner. War is hell and the US went inot it
and came out of it, not angels, but not devils niether.

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