Icelandic Spar, doubleness, wha?

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sat Jan 7 04:20:33 CST 2012

Icelandic Spar is some kind of metaphor in AtD surely, correct?
I'm sure we can spin out some possibilities. 
T.S. Eliot wrote an introduction to G. Wilson Knight's major
book on Shakespeare called The Wheel of Fire and in that intro 
he wrote:
"But the greatest poetry, like the greatest prose, has a doubleness;
the poet is talking to you on two planes at once."
I thought of Icelandic Spar, but I'm touched with a connectiveness
disorder so, forgetting that, we can still see how Eliot's words
fit our Pynchon who packs in the planes like he wants all ten dimensions
of the universe in his prose, yes?
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