Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
alice wellintown
alicewellintown at
Sat Jan 7 18:52:30 CST 2012
On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 7:51 PM, alice wellintown
<alicewellintown at> wrote:
>> from previous post
>>> As Simon discovers in Lord of the Flies, the beast is us.
>> This is a novel more reflective of the nastiness of English boarding school culture than scholarship about human nature or normal social behavior. It proposes a theory which has some evidence and which also has some counter arguments and contradictory evidence.
> The Nobel Prize in Literature 1983 was awarded to William Golding "for
> his novels which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and
> the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human condition
> in the world of today".
> The novel is an alegory and the boyz don't repesent the boarding
> school cult, but the human condition and our world. The boys push a
> huge boulder off a cliff, it falls and blasts through a canopy of
> trees, a huge pink mushroom cloud rises, the island is tourched. The
> beasty is in reality, a dead soldier caught in tree branches moved by
> the wind, but the psychological beast is our human heart of darkness.
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