Misc. new reader of Inherent Vice

jochen stremmel jstremmel at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 01:27:58 CST 2012

The reviewer may do a lot of things but not read Pynchon.

2012/1/8 Albert Rolls <alprolls at earthlink.net>:
> A character tells Sportello that he’s just read for a part on The Brady
> Bunch where Jan’s a brunette, an episode that first aired January 5, 1971
> WELL it hasn't aired; it has had auditions by the Spring of 1970.
> (Perhaps) How far in advance are (or were) these things taped.
> and he gets into a prolonged discussion of a Gilligan’s Island episode that
> aired the night before and new ring Ginger was sporting in it when
> Gilligan’s Island was cancelled in 1967.
> Reruns appeared on every night around 6, according to the snippet view of
> the TV Guide on Google. It's hard to see the exact time. The reviewer thinks
> the age of reruns began when?
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: Mark Kohut
>>Sent: Jan 7, 2012 11:38 AM
>>To: pynchon -l
>>Subject: Misc. new reader of Inherent Vice
>>There are some real world chronology questions brought up in this negative
>> review which are new, I think.
>>(Not that such chronolgy matters for the judgment of many of us since we
>> expect this playfulness about
>>such from Pynchon).

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